ILO Social Economy Task force meeting Presentation of the Report of the Johannesburg conference and the plan of actions Synthesis by DIA Insa
ILO Regional conference The Social Economy – Africa’s Response to the Global Crisis, Jo’burg, 19-21 October 2009 Over 200 participants: Social economy promoters, leaders and practitioners from 30 African countries, plus constituents from all five African sub-regions; Social economy promoters from overseas; Development partners Objectives: To share knowledge and experience about different social economy models from around Africa; To discuss how to mobilize the social economy in response to the crises in Africa; To develop the contours of a programme to promote the social economy in Africa; To assess the desirability and feasibility of putting the social economy on the international agenda
Working definition of the social economy A concept designating enterprises and organisations, in particular cooperatives, mutual benefit societies, associations, foundations and social enterprises, which have the specific feature of producing goods, services and knowledge while pursuing both economic and social aims and fostering solidarity
Social economy – a typology Economique/Economic Social Régulation Private Entreprises Organisations/ Parastatal Public Institutions parapubliques/ organisations For profit SME Business (for profit) Indépendants/self-employed Formel Fondations Buria societies / tontines INFORMAL ECONOMY ROTATING SAVINGS AND UNITS CREDIT SCHEMES COOPERATIVES MUTUALS ASSOCIATIONS SOCIAL ENTERPRISES Informel Auto-régulation/ Self-regulation Marchand/market Non-marchand/non-market
Conference results Recognition of the role of the social economy and its enterprises and organisations in the African society, as well as their role in responding to the multifaceted crisis affecting African countries and their people Conviction that the social economy provides complementary paths to development that bring together in a coherent manner the concerns of economic sustainability, social justice, ecological balance, political stability, conflict resolution and gender equality Acknowledgement of the contribution of social economy enterprises and organisations in: meeting women’s and men’s needs and aspirations, contributing to the decent work agenda, addressing the food crisis, the HIV-AIDS pandemic, environmental challenges as well as enhancing voice and representation Adopted the following Plan of Action for the promotion of social economy enterprises and organizations in Africa, and call for its implementation and periodic review
Action Plan (1) Strategic objective n°1: At global level An increase in the recognition of and partnerships with social economy enterprises and organizations For the ILO Discussion at the ILO Increasing ILO’s capacity Promoting SE during upcoming events For SE stakeholders Partnerships between SE Connecting SE networks
Action Plan (II) Strategic objective n°2: At regional level Increase knowledge related to the promotion of social economy enterprises and organisations and the reinforcement of African social economy networks Increasing the capacity of Governments & social partners, other stakeholders to promote SE Mobilizing resources for a SE programme for Africa: Regional Observatory Exchanges of experiences and practices Networks of SE promoters Set up of networks of expertise
Action Plan (III) Strategic objective n°3: At national level Establish an enabling policy, legal and institutional environment for social economy enterprises and organisations; as well as strengthening and promoting social economy structures at the national level. Platforms of coordination, advocacy and dialogue Country specific action plans Vertical & horizontal integration Monitoring system of SE performance Curricula in training institutions
Action Plan (IV) Strategic objective n°4: At micro and meso levels The social economy enterprises and organisations become more effective, efficient and contribute to the populations’ needs in terms of income creation, social protection, employment promotion, rights at work, food security, environmental protection, fight against HIV-AIDS, elimination of child labour and the impact mitigation of the crisis. Increase capacity of SE enterprises, through BDS & training institutions Integrate SE in LED Mobilize partners for capacity building of SE & tools development Improve access to MF, BDS, Social services for the most vulnerable by promoting their participation in SE enterprises
As mentioned in the foreword of social and solidarity economy academy ILO involved since its creation to the promotion of SE. In 1920 creation of a cooperative branch now the ILO Cooperative programme(EMP/COOP) In this time of crisis recovery, SE within the DWA framew is significant to implement the Global Jobs Pact from local to global levels