Elements of Drama
Drama Video
Plays A play is a type of drama written for the stage. The written script is not the final product. A director collaborates with actors to make the story come alive on stage.
Types of Drama Greek Tragedy: There is usually a heroic protagonist, or main character, who struggles with the gods, and is ultimately brought down by a tragic flaw within himself or herself. Comedy: The plot often involves a series of mishaps and humorous situations. Straight Drama: Most modern plays fall into this category, characterized by realistic characters and situations.
Elements of Drama Plot Cast of Characters Dialogue Script Set Theme
Plot The action of the play (series of events). Exposition – begins the play-characters, setting, and conflict are introduced Rising Action – problem gets worse. The conflict is developed and intensified. Climax – a point of high tension- highest suspense.
Plot Continued Falling Action – the conflict starts to resolve. Consists of all the events that follow the climax Resolution – the ending is explained; the outcome is decided
Cast of Characters A list of the plays characters. Sometimes there will be a description of the character Characters: Narrator/Beth Ralph Mother Ollie Father Claude Charlie Mrs. Wendleken Imogene Leroy Alice
Characters Cont. Protagonist- is the most important character. Antagonist- engages in conflict with the protagonist. Cast- all the characters in the drama. Usually listed in the beginning of a script.
Dialogue The talking or conversation between characters. The audience learns the thoughts and feelings of characters through what the characters do and say to one another. Dialogue reveals the plot and theme of the play.
Scripts Script- a drama’s actual text Acts – a plays main parts (usually 5) Scene – a smaller part of an act (setting usually changes) Stage directions- appear before and after lines of dialogue, and they indicate how a character should speak a certain line, what facial expressions to make, and how to gesture.
Set Set- the scenery of a drama Includes the setting of each scene, the stage design, the lighting, and the props, or movable objects used by the characters, and music.
Theme The author’s statement about life What is the big idea of the play???