Why did President Washington want the US to remain neutral? 6.3 Challenges for the New Nation Pages 205-208 Main Idea Vocab (5) The United States tried to remain neutral regarding events in Europe section section Remaining Neutral (5) The Neutrality Proclamation (3) The French Question (2) Jay’s Treaty (4) Pinckney’s Treaty (4) French Revolution Neutrality Proclamation privateers Jay’s Treaty Pinckney’s Treaty Reading check pg. 208 Why did President Washington want the US to remain neutral?
Fighting in the Northwest Territory Pages 208-209 6.3 Conflict in the Northwest Territory Main Idea Vocab (3) Read and Report section section Conflict in the Northwest Territory Write a short statement summarizing each paragraph (5) The US and Native Americans came into conflict in the Northwest Territory. Little Turtle Battle of Fallen Timbers Treaty of Greenville Look at the Picture Fighting in the Northwest Territory What types of weapons were used in the fighting in the Northwest Territory? Reading check page 209
The Whiskey Rebellion The Whiskey Rebellion Page 209 The Whiskey Rebellion Main Idea Vocab (1) section section The Whiskey Rebellion Write a short statement summarizing each paragraph (7) The Whiskey Rebellion tested Washington’s administration Whiskey Rebellion Reading Check page 209 Defend the viewpoint of the Pennsylvania farmers who did not want to pay the whiskey tax.
Washington Says Farewell Pages 210-211 Washington Says Farewell Main Idea Washington Says Farewell (summarize the section) section In his Farewell Address Washington advised the nation. Section 3 Assessment 1ab, 2ab, 3ab, 4ab Summary and Preview Copy from the book