Marine Technologies Overview


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Presentation transcript:

Marine Technologies Overview Float Incorporated Marine Technologies Overview Pneumatically Stabilized Platform (PSP) Defense Advanced Research Project Agency Confirmation of PSP marine technology Tank testing 1995 – 1996 Office of Naval Research Validation of PSP marine technology characteristics Tank testing 1997 – 1998 Float Inc. PSP marine technology chosen for inclusion in a national R&D program: USA – Department of Defense “Mobile Offshore Base” program Rho-Cee Wave Energy Converter (ρC) BOEM – Ohmsett tank testing facility (2009) Confirmation of Rho-Cee WEC 1/6th scale tank testing results indicated wave power capture rate between 50% to 94% Potential Energy Storage (PES) System permits the storage of captured energy in the form of compressed air within the confines of the PSP’s cylinder interstitial volumes.

Float Incorporated and Beyond the Horizon

Float Europe® proposal – Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System (OFOES) Stable with large Variable Deck Loads Capabilities At-sea motion stability and structural loads mitigation by decoupling the “hull” from ocean wave pressures through the use of air buoyancy, which is both compressible and mobile within the OFOES platform cylinders. Potential Energy Storage (PES) System permits the storage of captured energy in form of compressed air within the confines of the PSP’s cylinder interstitial volumes. Modular OFOES cylinders assembled into modules Modules assembled into OFOES platform configuration Modules assembly can be accomplished in Sea State 3 levels Monolithic platform Modular construction and assembly OFOES modular construction permits extension of existing OFOES without interruption of existing activities onboard Mobile OFOES can be repositioned to a different area/zone as the OFOES is simply retained in position by the appropriate anchorage system Long life OFOES is constructed of post constraint, reinforced concrete having a useful life exceeding 70-years. No dry-docking required, and requires no significant maintenance of the basic hull. Easily decommissioned at “end-of-life”.

THE PROBLEM as stated in the EUROPEAN COMISSION MEMO/13/448 Brussels, 23May2013 EU FACTUAL SITUATION – extracts European Ports are: Crucial for the EU transport business and Europe’s competiveness & have a huge potential for job creation & investment Europe’s ports are the gateways to the European continent: 74% of extra-EU goods shipped through ports Equally important for intra-European trade: 37% of the intra-EU freight traffic pass by ports yearly Port activities contribute directly to employment, inward investment and GDP growth.

But Europe's ports face major challenges! High predicted growth - 50% growth of cargo handling predicted by 2030 A structural performance gap in Europe port efficiency – of the 329 existing EU ports, 83 require upgrades – cost estimates exceed 800 Billion Euros The changing nature of shipping - EU ports must adapt to changing need of the industry The new proposals - European Commission estimates modernization can save the EU economy up to 10 Billion Euros by 2030 More efficient ports - proposals of new, transparent & open procedures Better connections to the hinterland Improved framework for investment Social dialogue: ensuring good working conditions

European TENTEC Transport Infrastructure

EU - DG for Internal Policies – Policy Department B Structural and Cohesion Policies Figure 15: The European container port system and logistics core regions in the hinterland page 36 – dated 2015

Europe vessel port calls

Innovative response is to go to sea with Float Inc Innovative response is to go to sea with Float Inc. Security Port & LNG TERMINALS!

Float Europe® proposal

LNG Terminal Electricity generation, Desalination, Storage, Refueling, and Re-gasification which can be positioned within the Float Inc. Security Port (OFOES) or an individual LNG Terminal for a specific candidate site. LNG storage & LNG vessel refueling: 400,000 cubic meters of LNG in storage Refueling of large gas-powered vessels to the leeward side of the Security Port (OFOES) Produce up to 30 Million cubic meters/day of gas LNG which has been re-gasified by an energy-efficient & environmentally sensitive process of co-generation produces: 1,000 MW of power and 80,000 cubic meters of potable water per day. Rather than serving existing, or projected shore-side utilities, we are those facilities - at the highest quality, able to provide portability and flexibility characteristics, if desired. Our concept of the LNG terminal can be scaled-down or up and still maintain the long-lived concrete hull structure - and the co-generation principles of operation.

Europe 2020 - Blue Economy / Blue Growth Extract – Table 2. 3 Table 2 Europe 2020 - Blue Economy / Blue Growth Extract – Table 2.3 Table 2.3 Maritime economic activities by development stage – based upon size (2008 or latest available year), recent growth (average annual GDP growth last 5 available years) and potential (ranking 1-6 with 6 being highest). Maritime economic activity Size today Recent Future (Billion €) Growth Potential Float Europe® Proposals Mature Stage 4. Coastal protection 1.0-5.4 4.0% 6 Breakwater / floating real estate 3. Coastal tourism & yachting 144 3-5% 4 Breakwater/marina 1. Short-sea shipping 57 5.8% 2 Security Port / OFOES 2. Offshore oil & gas 107-133 -4.8% 1 Offshore Floating Real Estate Growth stage 5. Offshore wind 2.4 21.7% 6 Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System 6. Cruise tourism 14.1 12.3% 5 Security Port / OFOES 8. Maritime monitoring & surveillance 5.6-10 + 5 Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System 7. Marine aquatic products 0.5 4.6% 4 Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System (Pre-) development stage 9. Blue Biotechnology 0.8 4.6% 5 Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System 10. Ocean renewable energy 0.25 + 5 Offshore Floating Ocean Energy System 11. Marine minerals mining 0.25 0/+ 4 Offshore Floating Real Estate

Float Europe® funding research: Europe 2020 - Blue Economy / Blue Growth Extract – Table 2.3 Gross Value Added indicators for Deep Sea Shipping category: 98Billion Euros GVA and plus 1.2Million employments Floating Liquefied Natural Gas Market to surpass 78Billion USD by 2024

Float Europe® Float Marine Technologies Europe Limited Thank you for your kind attention. Web site: Email: Applications Multi-Use Platforms Offshore Developments Energy Generation and Storage