LAND MANAGEMENT VERSUS WATER Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 2 Harmful substances usually originate from land When changing the use of land, transport of pollutants to water will occur Water management in not only a question of quantity, m 3 The quality of water has to be adressed! Polluted water has to be treated to proper quality It means investments In treatment system or else… In treating adverse effects in humans and ecosystem.
MONITORING Traditional monitoring shows occurence of specific compounds at few sites (due to expensive sampling) BUT We need to describe all watershed pollution AND Identify sources FOR Eliminate or reduce effluents and risk Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 3
ORIGIN OF POLLUTANTS Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 4 Industrial activities Use of chemicals depending of the land use Household activities Human use Wastewater treatment plants Leachate of naturally occurring chemicals (metals, plant material) Leachate from previous land use Upstream activities
INVESTIGATION OF CHEMICALS Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 5 Goal for the investigation Strategy for investigation Adjust sampling strategy due to real field situation – on site Field sampling Transport to proper laboratory Hi-Tech analysis Interpretation of results
SAMPLING EQUIPMENT Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 6 Integrative sampling In situ concentration Non-destructive transport to proper laboratory Need of easy to use, easy to transport, preserving methods.
SAMPLING 1-3 weeks absorption in water (TWA concentrations) In situ preconcentation of up to 200 Liter water In situ pretreatment for easier analysis Safe for transport (”no” customs problem) No degradation or transformation of chemicals during transport No need of frozen conditions during transport Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 7
TRANSPORT OF SAMPLES SPMDDGT Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 8 df POCIS 20 gram30 gram10 gram
TARGET COMPOUNDS Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 9 Industrial chemicals Pesticides Combustion created chemicals Metals Industrial additives Food additives Personal hygiene chemicals Household chemicals Medical drugs Illicit drugs Veterinary drugs Environmentally transformed chemicals Nutrients, mainly P and N etc
OPPORTUNITIES Help industries to describe effluents Help land management before and after intervension (positive and negative changes) Identify sources of pollutants Regular monitoring to describe temporal and spacial changes of pollution To work with sampling even in remote areas Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 10
EXPOSMETER AB EXPERTISE Sampling strategies Field sampling Producer of sampling equipment Access to hi-tech specialised laboratories Interpretation of analytical results Quorious, experienced and goal oriented personnel Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 11
EXPOSMETER AB LIKE To be included in ongoing projects To act as resource for ongoing project To participate in planning of projects To distribute sampling equipment To teach proper use of passive sampling To maybe be a open resource to be used by projects (central sponsored) Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 12
THANK YOU! Come and discuss your needs with us! Namibia COP11. ExposMeter AB, PhD Per-Anders Bergqvist 13 A lot of USELESS water!