Shoebox Appeal 1st – 18th November 2017
How to Pack a Shoebox Choose Girl or Boy and an age group. Put the sticker on the outside of the box.
Fill with gifts Add a ‘wow’ item such as a doll, cuddly toy or deflated football with pump. Now fill your shoebox with a selection of fun toys, hygiene items and school supplies.
Fun and practical items appropriate for your age range. Add small items only. Fun and practical items appropriate for your age range.
knives or military figures. Please do not include damaged items, clothing, war-related items such as guns; knives or military figures.
No chocolate or food; lotions or liquids; hand made stuffed toys or sharp or fragile items.
Nothing of a political, religious or racial nature can be added.
Have fun filling your boxes
Bring all the filled boxes to the Finance Office by 17th November 2017 where more boxes will be available if required.