Welcome to Chemistry The study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
Mr. Wayne Classroom: G301 Office: B201 Phone Number: (630) 679-3559 Email: waynemw@vvsd.org
Materials Needed Notebook paper or spiral Blue or black ink pen Pencil chromebook Student handbook Scientific Calculator Dry erase marker
Summative (“A” in grade report): 90% Formative (“W” in grade report): 10% All grades are updated on edline weekly however you can get up to date grades on the vvsd app
NGSS – Next Generation Science Standards New standards are activity based. Students will learn by inquiry. Assessments will be both written and performance based. This combination will allow students to better represent their mastery of the curriculum.
Where do I look for lab and test dates? Students and parents can look on my school wires page to find dates for labs and tests. Students can find copies of all worksheets, study guides and notes in the absent bin OR their Google classroom. Parents do not have access to Google classroom. I will also send remind notices for summative assessments to parents and students who have signed up for remind.
REMIND 1st period - @phys1000 2nd period - @phy2000 If you would like to receive “Remind”ers about upcoming labs, tests, etc. then text the following code to the number 81010 1st period - @phys1000 2nd period - @phy2000 3rd period - @phys3000 5th period - @ chem5000 6th period - @chem6000
Remediation Policy All homework assignments (formative) will be due on the day of the test. Students who scored less than 80% on summative assessments may retake provided all of the assigned work has been completed for the unit. The maximum score on a summative retake is 80%. In addition, a retake assignment may be assigned prior to retaking a test.
Labs can be redone on a case by case basis provided that the lab was turned in on time with reasonable effort shown.
Extra Help Program Tutoring is available every morning from 7:00 – 7:25 Extra help is also available by appointment after school.
GRADING SCALE A: 100-90% B: 89.9-80% C: 79.9-70% D: 69.9-60% F: Below 60%