What do you know about him? Who is this? What do you know about him?
Learning objectives. To be able to: Aspire: Evaluate the use of drugs in sport. Challenge: Analyse the use of drugs in sport. LM: Independent
What do we know? If you don’t know anything, what can you guess? Lance Armstrong http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lance_Armstrong
Compare these 2 videos – how does your opinion of Lance Armstrong change?
Morals Standards of behaviour; principle of right and wrong.
What do you think about Lance Armstrong's morals? Give reasons
Do you think it is acceptable to take drugs if it will guarantee that you win? Give reasons for your answer
Is there ever an occasion where it is acceptable to take performance enhancing drugs?
Write down your opinion on this idea. What if… There was a new Olympics invented which allowed the use of performance enhancing drugs. It would be x-men meets the Olympics! Competitors were encouraged to take performance enhancing drugs in order to do the best they possibly could in their event. The 100 metres could be ran in 6 seconds, the shot put thrown 50 metres and people jumping over buildings for the high jump. Write down your opinion on this idea.
The athletes who want to compete. Should there be an “X-Men Olympics”? Think about the following: The athletes who want to compete. The athletes who do not want to compete. The spectators who agree. The spectators who disagree. The drugs agencies. You must provide an argument for or against the X-men games.
Do you think the games would be fair? Why do you think this? Word Bank Questions to consider. Do you think the games would be fair? Why do you think this? Do you think it would harm the competitors? Should it matter if it does? Would you watch the X-men Olympics? Should we promote the use of performing enhancing drugs in this way? What do you think of the morals behind the X-men Olympics? Spectacle Money Exciting Immoral 21st Century Pride Injury 4 Years Training Super Powers Smash World Records Boring Cheat
Prepare your argument any way you want to. (eg powerpoint)
Write a twitter post (140 characters) to a sports person who is considering taking performance enhancing drugs to try and convince them it is morally wrong. You may use #morals and #don't do it, among others.