Allah is Goodness and the Goodness in Accepting the Prophet Muhammad as the best Example
The most perfect human being in Allah's Sight is the one who completes all levels of Jihad; and it is for this reason the Muhammad (sa) is the best of all mankind For he completed all of its levels and struggled in Allah's Cause in the manner in which it should be carried out; and he undertook it from the time Allah sent him until He took him unto Him, for when it was revealed to him: "0 you (Muhammad) enveloped in garments! Arise and warn! And magnify your Lord (Allah)' And purify your garments!" From there He buckled down to the task of calling people to Islam and performed it in the most complete way and he called to Allah night and day, openly and in secret. And when it was revealed to him. "Therefore proclaim openly (Allah's Message — Islamic Monotheism) that which you are commanded," He acted in accordance with Allah's Command and he did not care about the things the opposers said
He began his mission by speaking out against the false deities and showing the falsehood of the false religions As expected, the prophet was met with much enmity, but he never gave up. The Prophet had his share of enemies, who tried to destroy his reputation and honor, and stand in the way of his dawah; but Allah let it be known to him that such is the case for all callers to the truth: "And so We have appointed for every Prophet enemies - Shaytaan (devils) among mankind and jinn " (Quran 6:112) "Likewise, no Messenger came to those before them but they said: "A sorcerer or a madman!" Have they (the people of the past) transmitted this saying to these (Quraish pagans)? Nay, they are themselves a people transgressing beyond bounds (in disbelief )!" (Quran 51:52-53)
So Allah, Most Glorified strengthened His Prophet and informed him that he has an example in those (Prophets) who came before him, just as he is the example to the callers of today Despite the antics of his enemies, the Prophet's followers began to increase and Allah strengthened his followers with His Words: "Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you?" And His words: Alif-Lam-Mtm. Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: "We believe," and will not be tested." Up to His Words: "Is not Allah Best Aware of what is in the breasts of Mankind and Jinn? (Quran 29:1-10) .
As Muslims today we need to ponder the verses cited above , for when Messengers are sent to the people, they respond in one of two ways: Either they will say: "We have believed," but continue to do actions of disobediance And for those who do sincerely believe, they will become tested in that belief in order to proof to their Lord their sincerity. Many will give in to the pain and thus fail the test. A few will survive and surpass it. As for those who respond by not believing, they will be punished both in this world and the hereafter. Thus the Believer will experience pain in the beginning and throughout his life after acceptance of the truth – but the final outcome will be in his favor. As for the unbeliever he will experience pleasure but the final outcome will be painfully against him
As Imam Ash Shafi once said: “A Believer will never be established on earth until he has been tried by affliction. Allah, the Almighty, tried all his Prophets and Messengers; and when they were patient, it was then that He established them (in the earth)." So thus, no Believer should imagine that he will completely escape pain, or the trials of life. For, Life is one big Fitnah after another for the Believer; and to think that one can escape it is a sign of one lacking in true knowledge or understanding of this deen. Its all about pleasing and earning the acceptance and love of Allah – not that of the people here on earth. As Aisha the wife of the prophet told Muawiya: “Whoever pleased Allah by incurring the anger of the people Allah will suffice against (relying on) the provision of people; but whoever pleased the people by incurring Allah's Anger, they will avail him nothing against Allah " Tirmidhi
So thus we have to follow the example of our Prophet and remain firm upon the truth and calling to it despite the lemons thrown our way by our enemies We must view the lemons for what the truly are – tests along the way We must then take those lemons and squeeze them to make lemonade which is something sustaining, and good We must forever remain focussed on the final goal which is the meeting with Allah, and as Allah says: "Whoever hopes for the Meeting with Allah, then Allah's Term is surely coming, and He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower." (Quran 29:5)