January Collaboration Meeting Monday - Wednesday, Jan 28-30 Expect people to arrive on Sunday If we finish by 2:00 Wednesday, most will be able to fly out that day (4:15PM UA flight to Chicago, for example) Working with Tony Johnson and Karen Heidenreich on web pages Registration, hotel, travel info already listed Program needs to be put up when it is settled Meeting announcement has been sent out to LCD, SiD lists Need to follow up with reminders to register / book travel Key issue is putting together the program – strawman program is given in next few slides Please help select appropriate talks and speakers – names and topics listed are meant to serve as a starting point for discussions No speakers confirmed except for Barish (thanks to Harry!) Most talks are scheduled for 20’ + 5’ discussion
Strawman Program Overview Monday Morning: Introductory talks Global Parameters Monday Afternoon PFA Calorimetry Tuesday Morning Parallel sessions Software tutorial? Tuesday Afternoon Vertexing and Tracking LOI plans, benchmarking, and simulation Wednesday Morning Forward, Muon, and Engineering IR, beampipe, and closing talks
Monday Morning Plenary Session 9:00 – 10:30 Introductory Talks 9:00 Welcome by SLAC dignitary (Persis? McFarlane?) 9:15 State of the ILC (Barish) 9:45 ILC Detectors (Yamada) 10:15 Goals of the workshop (Jaros or Weerts) 10:45 – 11:15 Break 11:15 – 12:30 Global Parameters 11:15 Global parameters – what are they, what is known? (Demarteau?) 11:40 Cost parametrics for global parameters (Breidenbach) 12:05 Discussion: how do we decide on the global parameters (all) 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Monday Afternoon Plenary Session 13:30 – 15:10 PFA and non-PFA calorimetry 13:30 Studies of perfect particle flow calorimetry (Cassel) 13:55 PFA studies in SiD (Charles or Magill) 14:20 Road map for PFA in SiD (White) 14:45 Crystal calorimetry with dual readout (Para) 15:10 – 15:40 Break 15:40 – 17:45 Calorimetry 15:40 The KPix readout chip (Freytag or Strom) 16:05 EMCal Status (Frey) 16:30 MAPS ECal (Stanitzki) 16:55 Pros / cons of scintillator and gaseous HCAL options (Zutshi) 17:20 HCal Status (White)
Tuesday Morning Parallel Session 8:30 – 10:15 Parallel Session I Need to get a count of how many rooms are needed Vertex? Tracking? Calorimeter? Muon? Forward detector? Benchmarking? Engineering? Others? 10:15 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:30 Parallel Session II Need room count for this session as well Simulation software tutorial? 12:30 – 13:30 Lunch
Tuesday Afternoon Plenary Session 13:30 – 15:10 Vertexing and Tracking 13:30 Vertex detector mechanics (Cooper or Goldstein) 13:55 Vertex sensor status (Lipton) 14:20 Tracking issues for the LOI (Schumm?) 14:45 Tracking status (Nelson) 15:10 – 15:40 Break 15:40 – 17:40 LOI, Benchmarking, Simulations 15:40 Plans for the LOI (Aihara, Burrows, or Oreglia) 16:05 Benchmarking plans for the LOI (Barklow or Nomerotski) 16:30 Simulation and reconstruction for the LOI (Graf) 16:55 Discussion of LOI preparations (all)
Wednesday Morning Plenary Session 8:30 – 10:10 Forward, Muon, and Engineering 8:30 Forward detector status (Morse) 8:55 Muon detector status (Band or Fisk) 9:20 Mechanical engineering report (Krempetz or Oriunno) 9:45 Electrical engineering report (Haller) 10:10 – 10: 40 Break 10:40 – 12:40 IR, Beampipe, and closing talks 10:40 IR Issues (Seryi) 11:05 Beampipe design (Cooper or Markiewicz) 11:30 View from DOE (Blazey) 11:55 RAL workshop 12:10 Closing remarks (Jaros or Weerts)
Refreshments and Social Program Breaks: Coffee/Tea, perhaps some snacks End of 1st day: Wine & Cheese reception hosted by AC RP willing to provide location (~12’ from SLAC) Request that AC members help support cost of wine/cheese (~$20/AC member?) End of 2nd day: Group dinner at Hunan Gardens Excellent local Chinese restaurant Reported to cost $25-$35/person for multi-course meal