Linking of regional markets Kjell A Barmsnes, 5 Nov, 2008
European market development A Regional approach The regional approach to market development in Europe has resulted in several market coupling initiatives within regions Easier development within regions than in a European-wide approach Efficient market coupling in Europe Requires linking within and between regional markets Coupling of regional markets is more complex Harmonization issues More stakeholders and different interests 14. september 2018
Market coupling between regions NorNed: Norway – The Netherlands The Norwegian license (issued in 2004) for NorNed is based on implicit market coupling between the Nord Pool Spot and APX markets Could not be implemented due to different gate closure times (NL 11:00, NO 12:00) Temporary explicit auction implemented Results Good economy for TSOs In a number of hours participants pay more for the capacity than the price difference NPS-APX Also a number of days with flow in wrong direction 14. september 2018
Market coupling between regions EMCC Initial problems – quality of coupling not as expected Quality of market coupling depends on Harmonization of market designs Availability of market information Tightness of coupling Harmonization of price calculation rules Liquidity of markets 14. september 2018
Market coupling between regions Tighter coupling of regional markets improves the quality of the solution But, Requires more harmonization (market rules, products, etc.) And is more complex to organize and implement Price coupling of regions – the optimal solution? In terms of quality – probably Looser coupling may be applicable for some regions in a phased approach towards a more integrated market 14. september 2018
CWE/Nordic coordination Based on an initiative from and E.ON Netz, a study for market coupling alternatives between CWE and the Nordic market has been launched Project partners:15 TSOs and PXs in the CWE and Nordic region Main task: Describe alternative market coupling models Evaluate the efficiency and applicability of different models Recommend options for interregional coupling 14. september 2018