Helping Your Child to Pass Higher History
Resources your Child Should Have Textbook: Britain and Scotland and Germany Textbook: Migration and Empire 1830-1939 * Leckie & Leckie course notes. Check they have all of these. If they don’t please write a note and we will provide.
Textbook 1 – Britain and Scotland and Germany In the exam pupils have to answer 2 essay questions. These are based on; Britain and Scotland Germany For Britain and Scotland there are 6 study areas. These are detailed on the contents page of the contents page of the textbook. For Germany there are also 6 possible areas. Theses are on P81 of the textbook. In the exam pupils are given a choice between 3 essays to answer – therefore they must study 4 areas from each.
Suggestion – Revision Cards The idea is that the pupil creates a summary of the 4 essays from each area. They produce a card with the key ideas and then use these to study Competition – how many study cards can they recall accurately Study buddy – share key points of study cards , test each other on study cards Opportunity to check understanding
Textbook 2- Migration and Empire 1830-1939 This is used for the source based questions. P108 onwards provides an excellent summary of the requirements. Therefore the exam consists of 2 essays and source based questions.
Suggestion -Using the SQA website for Past Papers Past Papers Choose subject: History Choose Qualification: Higher Available is both past papers and marking instructions Marking instructions are highly useful for focussed revision and for helping to create revision cards.
Understanding the Exam Section1 – Migration and Empire (part D) This section is skills based Section 2 – Britain 1851-1951 (part D) Section 3 – Germany 1815-1939 (part D)