Canons of Dordrecht A summary of each article and the errors rejected.
Head 1 Divine predestination All men are hell-deserving sinners. Christ died for sinners. The gospel of Christ and command to repent and believe is to be preached everywhere; those who believe are saved and those who don’t will be damned. Those who believe do so because in divine electing love they are predestined by God and recipients of his grace. The salvation or loss of people depends solely on God’s decree of election and reprobation. In election, which is unconditional, those for whom Christ died, are saved and kept for ever. They include the saints of all ages. This teaching instils thankfulness and godliness in the saints. God covenants to save in the line of generations of his people.
Errors rejected: God only elects, does not reprobate. God makes faith a condition of salvation. God chooses those whom he knows will believe. Elect people can still be lost. One can never be certain of one’s election. God send the message to those who are more worthy.
Head 2 The Purpose of the Death of Christ God’s justice and mercy demand proper punishment for sin. We cannot pay the debt. Christ as the perfect sacrifice, took upon himself the sins of all his people. Unbelievers have only themselves to blame. The gospel is to go to all nations. The elect are saved eternally.
Errors rejected: The death of the Son only made salvation possible, there was no definite purpose or covenant of grace with men. Man is the recipient of a common grace that gives him the free will ability to believe and obey. Faith is meritorious and counted as righteousness. The cross frees all men of the guilt of original sin. There was no necessity for the death of Christ for those whom God eternally loved.
Heads 3 and 4 Man is corrupt and how he is saved. Man, originally in God’s image lost it totally when he fell and every aspect of his being became wicked and corrupt and was passed on to all his offspring. He is dead to God and neither able or willing to turn. Neither creation, nor conscience, nor God’s revealed law to Moses can be the means save him. The gospel of reconciliation through Christ promises eternal life to all the elect who believe. Those who reject Christ do so willingly and wickedly, those who receive him do so by his grace. By the external preaching and supernatural internal work of the Holy Spirit the elect become willing obedient servants of God, renewed in his image and gifted with faith. Believers need teachers who instruct the saints concerning this grace of God, to his glory, and the abasement of all pride, and the means of grace in the Word, sacraments and discipline of the local church.
Errors rejected Original sin does not merit eternal death Godly characteristics can be naturally endowed Man can will to do good, is not dead in sin and can please God. Man can use “common grace” to attain salvation. Faith is an act of man’s free will. That grace is not an irresistible power That free will alongside grace work together
Head 5 The Perseverance of the Saints
Whom God calls he delivers from the dominion and slavery of sin, though even our best works are polluted, but God sanctifies and keeps till being at length delivered from this body of death, we are brought to reign with the Lamb of God in heaven. We must watch and pray or we will fall, cause guilt, chastisement and lack of assurance till he brings to repentance. However we never lose salvation or the indwelling Spirit who seals us, neither will God revoke his promise, or the power of the merit and intercession of Christ. The promises of the word are the basis of this assurance which certainty is a real source of humility, reverence, true piety, patience in every tribulation, fervent prayers, constancy in suffering, confessing the truth, and of solid rejoicing in God: this benefit serves as an incentive to the serious and constant practice of gratitude and good works. We persevere needing to continue in all the means of grace.
Errors rejected: Man’s perseverance is conditional on his own will and persevering in faith Saints can and do fall to everlasting destruction rendering all God’s grace powerless. That assurance comes from special revelation. That the doctrine of perseverance makes men more liable to sin. That there are no instances of false faith. That one can be reborn more than once. That Christ neither assured nor prayed for the perseverance of his people.
It should be noted the Canons confirm the five points of Calvinism but in this order: Total depravity (Heads 3 and 4) Unconditional election (Head 1) Limited atonement (Head 2) Irresistible grace (Heads 3 and 4) Perseverance of the saints (Head 5)