Ready? Here we go. FOCUS: NO TALKING BE HONEST, BUT Be thorough Be tactful
MLA format 1 inch margins all the way around 12 pt font Heading on upper left with complete information (double- check that the spacing doesn’t look greater than it does in the rest of the paper– this is where those extra spaces sneak in courtesy of Word). Last name and page number in upper right Double –spaced throughout Works Cited is on a separate page
Title Title is NOT underlined or italicized Is the title creative/interesting? If not, how could it be improved? Is the title correctly capitalized? (every word except articles and prepositions)
Before we start analyzing… Simply read the paper all the way through without doing anything else. Did the overall paper address the success or failure of the Creature? Was the paper organized and easy to follow?
Check the Introduction’s Hook Does your partner have one? Does it mention the “Big Idea” that the paper will discuss (i.e. isolation, need for companionship, safety, etc.?) Is it effective? In other words, does the hook match the content of the paper? If your partner starts off with a question, how could it be reworded as a statement?
Name of author, novel; basic info Does the intro contain the title of the novel? Is the title properly capitalized? Is the title italicized? If it has quotation marks around it, it’s wrong. Is Mary Shelley spelled correctly? Does the intro offer general info regarding the creature or the plot that helps lead in to the thesis?
Labeling Make a key at the top of your paper using your highlighters Sample: Blue=Statement Pink=Proof Yellow=Commentary Green= Green Words (Wait for directions on this) Highlight the body paragraphs for statement, proof, and commentary using your key. Do not highlight intro or conclusion.
Check for word vomit Did your partner use grandiose language about the author being “the greatest ever” or perhaps the “most amazing writer who ever lived”? Did you partner refer to Frankenstein as the “best horror story ever written” or other such nonsense? If so, cross it out.
Thesis Statement Make sure it isn’t three- pronged Shouldn’t just list green words or personality traits Examples: “Although the Creature successfully educates himself and becomes literate, his failure to integrate into society prevents him from flourishing.” “Because he is abandoned by his creator, the Creature does not develop the skills necessary to be successful in society.”
Topic Sentences Underline the topic sentences at the beginning of each section Does EACH topic sentence clearly express the topic of that paragraph? Can you tell from the t.s. what the paragraph will be about? Does the t.s. MATCH the paragraph? If YES, Is the wording effective? Can you offer a suggestion for improvement? If NO, indicate that the writer needs to add a topic sentence.
Quotes Highlight all quotes in PINK Are the quotes integrated (couched) into the author’s own sentences? Mark any “orphan” quotes Did the author use rhetorically accurate verbs? No: said, writes, states, quotes, etc Do you have suggestions for better wording or quote integration? Are there quotes from Frankenstein AND the research articles? If not, identify where expert support would enhance the paper.
Citation format Are citations present for articles and the novel? Are they in correct format? “I took to my bed for several days” (Shelley 156). As Dr. Evan Wilson notes, “One cannot thrive without being bonded to other human beings” (5). Be sure the period is AFTER the end parenthesis.
Commentary Highlight all commentary/analysis in YELLOW Does the commentary for EACH paragraph match the statement? Is there a thorough explanation of what we know about the Creature’s character? IF THE ANSWER IS “NO,” THEN IN THE MARGIN OF THE PAPER WRITE “Underdeveloped.” Commentary (YELLOW) should be the bulk of the paper!
Eyeballing Percentages FOR EACH SECTION, look at what you highlighted. Is more than 15-20% of what your partner wrote pink? If so, they need to shorten quotes, develop commentary, or both. Write which one(s) you think they need to do If quotes are too long, cross out the part(s) of the quotes you think are unnecessary for their purposes. Quotes should not go on for more than two typed lines
Conclusion Does the author restate the idea of the thesis without repeating it verbatim? Does the conclusion broaden out to expand the “so what?” section? This is where he/she should have discussed either Why this information is important to society in general. OR What can we DO with this information?
Go back to the Thesis Statement After thoroughly reading the rest of the paper, do you feel that the thesis effectively encompasses the ideas presented?
Language Register Check Are they staying in formal register? Are the words used appropriate for formal writing? CROSS OUT all instances of “I“,” “my,” “you,” “your” etc.
DUE on BLOCK: Final copy This workshopped draft with peer review stapled to it Even if you are not here, it is due to tii by the beginning of your class period.