Resource Management for High-Throughput Computing at the ESRF G Resource Management for High-Throughput Computing at the ESRF G. Förstner and R. Wilcke ESRF, Grenoble (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Why and how high-throughput computing? Basic problem: process user data “fast” – bigger and faster detectors – data rate increases – time available for analysis gets shorter Brute-force solution: buy more faster computers – Moore’s law: transistor density doubles every 18 months – limits: mono-atomic layers – higher clock speed Þ exponential temperature rise – may need more support staff, new software licenses, electrical power, cooling, rooms... Þ total cost of ownership can become unacceptable (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Thus: brute force no longer sufficient Þ look at precise needs of “fast data processing” Two scenarios are typically found: – many (possibly small) sets of independent data Þ important is overall throughput, not execution time for each job – (possibly few) sequence-dependent data sets with much data and / or complex processing Þ important is elapsed time / job, as job n must finish before n + 1 can start (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Improve overall throughput: – split task in several (many) independent jobs – distribute jobs to several (many) different processors – select “most appropriate” processor for each job – scales well with number of processors – no change to program code needed Þ simple parallel processing Reduce elapsed time for each job: – distribute each job over several processors – (re-)structure program into independent loops – optimize data access for each processor – needs change (possibly restructuring/rewrite) of program code Þ task for parallel programming (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Even parallelization has its limits (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Very expensive to provide for “worst case” Better: use existing resources more efficiently – select “most appropriate” processor for each job – balance processing load between processors – fill under-used periods (nights, weekends, ...) Þ task for resource management system Required features: – resource distribution – resource monitoring – job queuing mechanism – scheduling policy – priority scheme ESRF uses OAR (ENSIMAG Grenoble: (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Resource Manager OAR: Basic Use – OAR features: – interactive or batch mode – controls processor and memory placement of jobs (cpuset) – request resources (cores, memory, time...) – specify properties (manufacturer, speed, network access...) – can define installation-specific properties and rules – manage OAR with 3 basic commands: – request resources (submit job) (oarsub) – inquire status of requests (oarstat) – if necessary, cancel requests (oardel) – after submitting jobs, user can log off and go home – OAR starts jobs when convenient, delivers results (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR at ESRF: present status – 1 public, 2 private clusters: total 109 nodes, 803 CPUs – access to clusters only via front-end computers (30 nodes) – no direct login to high-performance computers – dedicated clusters are strong incentive for using OAR – front-ends are deliberately low performance: discourage production jobs – any computer can be front-end: need to install OAR client (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR cluster: usage statistics (January - February 2013) jobs submitted jobs running jobs waiting (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR cluster: runtime distribution < 5 m: 42.5% 5 m - 3 h: 51.1% > 3 h: 6.4% interactive: < 0.4% (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR monitoring tools: for efficient resource management, need to know: – load on computing system (active / waiting jobs, available / free / used resources, ...) important for users: – see available resources – estimate wait time for jobs – hardware status of computing system (hosts down, memory use, network traffic, ...) important for administrators to spot problems – DrawOarGantt (part of OAR): shows load on computing system – Ganglia ( monitors hardware of system (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR Status Monitoring with DrawOarGantt: shows scheduling of jobs to computers: user, # cores requested, times of submission, start and end users also see free resources: useful to start interactive jobs (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Hardware Monitoring with Ganglia: – show performance (e.g. load, memory, network traffic... can be configured) – select time period (hour, day, week, month, year) (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
How well is OAR filling underused periods? interactive day managed – OAR fills evening / night much better (interactive almost empty) – low OAR use in morning (users looking at results?) – few long-running jobs (> 1 day) managed week interactive – OAR effect even stronger on weekend – but system frequently still underused (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR cluster: Spotting problems with Ganglia Obviously something wrong! (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
But problems can be more subtle: – constant but small “Memory Swapped” – slight “1-min Load” overload around 17:30 – incoming network traffic spikes around 17:25 (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Look at node list gives clearer picture: rnice32 heavily overloaded (up to factor 17) for the last 10 minutes (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Confirm by looking at the node: – node obviously has way too many jobs – now can try to find out who and do something – but: administrator must be aware of problem first! Impossible to monitor manually Þ need alarm tool (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Icinga alarm monitor (, fork from Nagios) – Zulu for “it examines” (with click sound for the “c”) – monitors network services, host resources and software problems – integrates installation-developed services and checks – notifies of problems via email and monitor window (Nagstamon) – more detailed status information from the web interface (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR: Problems / FAQs (1) Syntax of submit command is not user-friendly – true (for non-SQL specialists) – in sample of 618428 requests, » 12% terminate with error – simple request (gives 1 core and default time 2 h): interactive (oarsub -I) or not (oarsub prog_name) – complicated request: write script file using documentation, modify script as needed – most efficient way to accomplish a task often not obvious Þ users need help to set up and run OAR jobs (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR: Problems / FAQs (2) OAR manages short jobs badly – startup overhead » 25 s / request – “normal” OAR not suited for requests < 2 min runtime – but, in sample of 541938 requests, » 30 % had < 2 min (23 % even < 1 min)! – very inefficient way of operating – many short requests create big load: OAR scheduler essentially stops – had to create small cluster without OAR for short jobs: access via ssh hostname prog_name – can be handled better in OAR: e.g. submit one script that starts many short jobs (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
OAR: Problems / FAQs (3) OAR kills jobs after time limit – do not set time limit too tight – but not too generous: low priority from scheduler average OAR user overestimates time by » factor 10 – use checkpointing to send signal to process before time limit – job needs to catch signal and terminate in controlled fashion – also usable to stop jobs without losing all results – useful to stop / reboot computers with long-running jobs – in sample of 541938 requests » 6 % had > 3 h (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013
Conclusions: Acknowledgements: – OAR helps to fill underused periods (nights / weekends) – efficient and relatively easy for batch jobs – administration of interactive jobs more complex – need hardware and OAR queue monitoring for efficiency – system at ESRF frequently underused – problems in particular with very short and very long jobs – users need help to set up OAR jobs still room for improvement Þ watch this space! Acknowledgements: – C. Ferrero, J. Kieffer, A. Mirone and B. Rousselle – ESRF Systems & Communications - Unix Unit – ESRF Data Analysis Unit (parallel) Computing for Neutron and Photon Science, DESY 04-05/03/2013