An explanation for IGR Teachers How to play Lotto An explanation for IGR Teachers
Phonological – Visual Mapping Lotto is an essential IGR ‘Advance Organiser’ The words on the baseboards are those words in the new text that are just beyond the children’s current reading level NB at this stage, these words are for recognising rather than reading (Recognition precedes Reading)
Recognition and Understanding Each child has a Lotto baseboard There are 9 words per baseboard, of which there are 6 words-in-common You have the set of Lotto cue cards Each child takes or is given 9 counters
Listen and Look Say to the children, ‘Be ready to LISTEN’ Read out the word but don’t let them see it As you do this, put the word in its story context and make sure it is understood Observe children’s counter-placement closely
Recognition and Matching If children cannot locate the word in this way, you can let them see the cue card The cue card is shown anyway once every child has located and covered the word Take careful notice of any matching-recognition errors and re-say the word
Ending the Game The Lotto game is complete as soon as every child has accurately covered the words they have been introduced to They clear away their counters (this can be done methodically) in readiness for Collaborative Reading