Stephen Okoboi TASO Uganda Ltd Increasing Uptake of Family Planning Services for persons living with HIV and AIDS through Provider Initiated Counseling (PIC), a case of TASO Uganda. 16th International Conference on AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections in Africa. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Stephen Okoboi TASO Uganda Ltd
INTRODUCTION TASO is the pioneer civil society organization and the largest indigenous HIV/AIDS service provider in Sub-Saharan Africa. The organization has over twenty years experience supporting people living with HIV/AIDS and encouraging them to live positively. TASO exists to contribute to a process of Preventing HIV infection, restoring hope and improving the quality of life of persons, families and communities affected by HIV infection and disease
ISSUE More than 200 million women in the developing world will enter their reproductive years during the next decade. In the future, as in the past, family planning (FP) will help save the lives of countless women and children, and will help alleviate poverty, reduce stress on the environment, and ensure that families are better able to feed, clothe, and educate their children. In 2009 TASO integrated family planning services into routine HIV clinics with aim of making FP services accessible, prevention of unintended pregnancies and reduction of mother to child transmission.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This involved completing a section of clinical record form entitled sexuality and family planning by assessing if the patient enrolled for TASO care is sexually active. Sexually active and not enrolled on any family planning method are referred for provider initiated family planning counseling with their respective counselors and couple counseling appointment given. Those who consent to family planning method are provided with the service within the facility while those who chose permanent methods referred to Ministry of Health Hospital using triple referral system. 2010 data set from management information was analyzed
RESULTS/LESSONS LEARNT In 2010 out of 2188 sexually active female clients screened for family planning, 860/2188 (39%) were provided with provider initiated family planning counseling. 92.7% of 860 were initiated on family planning while 7.2% declined to take up any family planning method. Mainly because of no partner consent, religious reasons, myths and previous F/P side effects mostly Prolonged P.V bleeding. Among the 92.7% initiated on family planning in 2010, 84% chose condoms, 3.2% implants, 0.3% permanent method, 0.5% pills while 8.0% injectable method only 4.6% of all those initiated in family planning in 2010 were practicing dual family planning protection method.
NEXT STEP Their is need to integrate Provider initiated F/P counseling into health units outpatient, inpatients services and HIV comprehensive clinics. These would increase uptake of family planning services and helps clear a lot of myths, better management of side effects surrounding family planning methods
Acknowledgements ICASA Conference Organizers and Donors TASO Uganda Ltd TASO Clients And Staff TEACH Alumni TASO Donors Other HIV Implementing Partners Thank You