Mikayla Aniya Jalea Sara Haseeb gabriel Kwakiutl Tribe Mikayla Aniya Jalea Sara Haseeb gabriel
1.Where did the tribe Live? They lived along the Pacific coast in California and in the northwestern part of what is now the United States, including the Alaskan coast and the western Canadian coastline.
2. Which 8 Region or Regions Does The Tribe Live In? The Kwakiutl tribe is north of the Canadian Shield, Coastal Plain, Basin and Range, and a hint in Rocky Mountains. This is where they lived
3.What Was The Climate Like Where They Lived? The climate in the Kwakiutl was rainy and mild.
4.What type of home did they live in? The Kwakiutl lived in Plank houses or Clan houses. chief’s house
5.What was their home made out off There houses was made of abundant forests of cedar and redwood trees.
6.How did they survive? They made they clothes from the bark of trees they also made rain capes and coats from animal skins.