A Brief History of Color
The First Colors: More than 15,000 years ago, cave people used Earth pigments: yellow ochre (clay) red ochre (clay) white chalk carbon black (burnt animal fat) YUM! They are still used today but in different formats
The Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans then modified and contributed to the use of color: Egyptians-Cinnabar-mineral (1st bright red) Chinese- Vermillion (TOXIC orangey-red) Greeks- White lead (first completely opaque white but TOXIC!-Used for awhile) Romans- Inherited palette of all three but contributed Tyrian Purple for Emperor’s togas-more on that later!
Then what happened??? Not much! Renaissance gives greater Earth pigments by roasting—Burnt Umber & Burnt Sienna.Terra Verte (green earth) is typical under painting of flesh in paintings. Early 19th Century-Industrial Revolution, Impressionists use oils in tubes, and modern chemical colors created.
RED: Can signify love, danger, good luck (China), evil, or wealth (India-Goddess Lakshmi) Cinnabar (rock mineral), vermilion Cochineal- “Carmine”-STILL used today in food coloring and COSMETICS! Check your lipsticks!
ORANGE: Named after the Sanskrit word, “narangah” for the fruit. Realgar-toxic red-orange color from volcanic minerals used from ancient times to Renaissance and up to 19th Century.
YELLOW: Derived from the earth, arsenic, plants and even cow’s urine! Cows were force-fed mango leaves and urine was evaporated to produce powder. Symbolic: warmth, light, sickness or cowardice
GREEN: Early green pigments contained copper and arsenic (TOXIC!) Symbolic: signifies life or hope; poison, envy; traditionally worn as fertility symbol in Western Europe at weddings; currently as ecology
BLUE: Ancient: Woad (“Brave heart”) Like the Indigo plant, it’s a shrub where ancient Brits would paint their face Ultramarine- Ground from rare stone, Lapis Lazuli, was more expensive than gold! In Renaissance, usually most important person had this pigment—ex.: Virgin Mary Symbolic: calm, soothing, sadness or depression
Empty space In bottom right Is left for Mary. He probably waited for shipment of Lapis Lazuli.
PURPLE (or VIOLET): Named for “Violette”-French Flower Tyrian Purple: From Roman times, one of the most expensive dyes. Made from the ink of the Murex or sea snail. 12,000 mollusks produced 1/20th of an oz.! AND IT STUNK!!! Symbolism: Royalty or wealth