Pontius Pilate - Good, bad or just indifferent? John 18:28- 19:16
Pontius Pilate - Good, bad or indifferent?
‘Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert so must the son of man be lifted up …’ Jesus (John 3:14)
‘This happened so that the words Jesus had spoken indicating the kind of death he was going to die would be fulfilled’. John 18:32
Pontius Pilate - Good, bad or indifferent? He believes Jesus is innocent: He protests Jesus innocence – Luke 23:13 He appeals to justice – John 18:39 He appeals to pity – John 19:1 Yet ultimately he valued his own life and reputation more than he does Jesus Jesus calls us to follow him, not just believe in him; to respect him as master, to let him be leader and call the shots.