Succeeding With Online Marketing In a Highly Competitive Industry Alex Melen Co-Founder
Agenda 1. Embracing Digital 2. Online Marketing 3. Measurement 4. Takeaways 5. Q&A
1. Embracing Digital
Embracing Digital
Embracing Digital
Embracing Digital By a show of hands, how many have spent more than 2 hours on their phone so far today? By a show hands, how many have spent 2 hours watching TV so far today?
2. Online Marketing Sales SMM SEO PPC Measure Everything!
Pay Per Click (PPC) Customer Value > [CPC x Conversion Rate]
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) [Unique Content x Relevant Links] – Technical Errors
Social Media Marketing (SMM) [Followers x Engagement] Optimize profiles. Integrate with website. Follow users who follow your competitors. Follow users who post about #cars.
3. Measurement
4. Takeaways
Ongoing Communication Takeaways Immediate Exposure Long Term Visibility Ongoing Communication Measure, Analyze, Optimize
Takeaways Use a minimum of ____ ad platforms Publish a minimum of ____ content pieces/month Be active on ____ social media platforms Setup remarketing and audience tracking Don’t be afraid to partner with an Agency!
5. Q&A
Contact Info Full Name: Alex Melen Job Title: Co-Founder Email: