DEMOfest 2017 Interactive Quizzes on Canvas Atousa Hajshirmohammadi Senior Lecturer School of Engineering Science, SFU
Interactive Quizzes Four interactive quizzes were developed on Canvas for students’ practice. (ENSC-280-Engineering Measurement and Data Analysis) Each quiz includes 15-20 questions. Collectively, the quizzes cover all course topics. After each attempt at the quiz, the student receives feedback on each question, depending on whether their answer was correct or wrong. At the end of the semester, an anonymous survey was conducted to receive students’ feedback. You are correct! Complete Answer: … Please try again! Hint: … Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Example (correct answer submitted) Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Example (wrong answer submitted) Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
End of Semester Student Survey Anonymous and voluntary participation Students answered detailed questions on topics including: Design and interface of the quizzes, such as: ease of use, clarity of questions, usefulness of the hints, etc. Influence on students’ learning and confidence on various course subjects, such as “data summary and representation”, “probability theory”, “measurement errors and error analysis”, etc. Written comments about the quizzes; What they liked; Suggestion for how to improve quizzes. 60 (out of 153) students participated in the survey. Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Students’ Response to One of the questions on the Survey: The quizzes helped my understanding of and confidence in the following subjects Data Analysis and Presentation Probability Theory Error Analysis Test of Hypothesis Regression Strongly Agree 9 14 8 13 10 Agree 33 30 29 24 Neutral 11 15 Disagree 3 Strongly Disagree 1 % of “Strongly Agree” + “Agree” 79% 83% 71% 81% 64% Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Ongoing Work and Future Directions Further analysis of students’ quiz results Further analysis of students’ feedback Revision of quizzes. For example: Include non-multiple choice questions Add customized hints depending on specific wrong answer, when and if possible. Development of interactive quizzes for other ENSC courses. Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Acknowledgement SFU’s Teaching and Learning Development Grant office SFU’s Institute for the Study of Teaching and Learning in the Disciplines (ISTLD) Graduate and undergraduate RAs: Maral Dehghani, Harneet Jhattu, Atiyeh Hoseini, Ali Zarei, Higgins Weng Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017
Questions? Contact: Atousa Hajshirmohammadi Atousa Hajshirmohammadi, DEMOfest 2017, SFU 28/11/2017