PBIS Program Information Governor Thomas Johnson Middle School July 18, 2006
Core aspects of PBIS at GTJMS Positive rewards The T.O.S. System Teacher Involvement
Positive Rewards Students Teachers TJs Positive Referrals Student of the Week Student of the Month TJ Stars Non referral parties Attendance parties TJ Day Staff Member of the Month TJ Raffle Prizes PBIS Gift Card Rewards
T.O.S. System Task, Others, Self Student Reminders T.O.S. Slips Posters Teacher Behavioral Interventions Working the Steps Verbal Warnings TOS Slip Parent Contact 1 Hr Detention Referral
Staff support… How do we get it?
Staff Support Positive Rewards for all Staff Discipline Reinforcement Staff Member of the Month TJ Raffle Prizes PBIS Gift Card Rewards Discipline Reinforcement Teacher Orientation Packet Data Sharing
Make it an integral part of your school.
Ingrained specific discipline steps
At GTJMS we meet monthly to discuss trends in the PBIS data Data Sharing At GTJMS we meet monthly to discuss trends in the PBIS data
PBIS Update: July 2006
Referrals major and minor for 2003 – 04 school year
Referrals major and minor for 2004 – 05 school year
Referrals Major and Minor Through June 2006 03 – 04 Average 04 – 05 Average 05 – 06 Average
Average Referrals both Major and Minor the Last 3 years of PBIS
PBIS Triangle Data # MAJOR % MAJOR # MINOR % MINOR # ALL % ALL # MAJOR % MAJOR # MINOR % MINOR 0 Referrals 467 75.81 515 83.60 506 82.14 1 Referrals 60 9.74 59 9.58 51 8.28 0-1 Referral 527 85.55 574 93.18 557 90.42 2-5 Referrals 40 6.49 39 6.33 6+ Referrals 30 4.87 2 0.32 20 3.25 9+ Referrals 18 2.92 0.00 13 2.11 Only 6.81% of GTJMS Major referrals are from those students with multiple referrals.
PBIS Triangle Data 3.25% .32% 4.8% 6.49%
Secondary Prevention: 85.5% of Students (80% Target) 9.74% (15%) 4.71% (5%) Tertiary Prevention: Administrative Team Meetings direct resources to the repeat offending students. Secondary Prevention: Group activities include Guidance Groups and AAP. Primary Prevention: TOS System, TJ’s, TJ Raffle, The Ideal Patriot, and other incentives PBIS At GTJMS 2005-2006
What do all these numbers really mean? Cost Benefit Analysis Results This is the time regained by students and administration through the decrease in referrals this year alone.
PBIS SET Assessment Results “TJ Middle School has done a remarkable job as a PBIS school in only its third year of implementation! With 96% of PBIS features in place, the school can be very proud of its accomplishments! We are excited for the school to continue as a PBIS school next year.” Sharon Conley, Ed.S., NCSP School Psychologist PBIS Coach, SWIS Facilitator, SET Assessor