Unit 4 Study Guide
McCulloch v. Maryland: upheld bank as constitutional. Gibbons v. Ogden: Upheld interstate commerce clause; gave Federal government larger role in the national economy. Cotton gin: led to the expansion of slavery in the South. Trail of Tears: The removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to Indian Territory. Worcester v. Georgia: Supreme Court ruling ignored by the President and Congress who still removed the Cherokee under the Indian Removal Act.
Indian Removal Act of 1830: purpose to remove Native Americans to open the land up for white settlement. North: where you would find factories in the US in the early 19th century. Canal System: used to build infrastructure to expand trade. National Bank: Jackson believed it’s power could be harmful to the country. Jackson opposed because it benefited the rich, centralized financial power in a single institution and favored commercial centers in the North. Second Great Awakening: religious events could take place because of religious freedom.
Dorothea Dix: advocated reforms in the Prison system and rehabilitation. Tariffs of the Early 1800s: protected northern manufactures at southern planters’ expense. Election of 1828: Jackson was elected because the property requirement for voting was removed. Tariff of 1816: hurt American farmers by raising the price of manufactured goods. Suffrage for women: advocated by Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Second Great Awakening: led people to unite to support social reforms Seneca Falls Convention: advocated gender equality. Ralph Waldo Emerson: poetry is an example of transcendentalism. Nullification Crisis of 1832: The power of the federal government was challenged by the states. The Marshall Court: Marbury v. Madison, McCulloch v. Maryland, and Gibbons v. Ogden strengthened the power of the federal government.
William Lloyd Garrison: used his newspaper the Liberator to advocate abolition of slavery and freedom of the press right. Nullification: Jackson disagreed with states’ rights to nullify federal laws. Monroe Doctrine: Established the United States as a power in the Western Hemisphere. The American System: Was created after the War of 1812 of the expansion of manufacturing in the northern states. National road: created to make the transportation from the South to the West.
Whig Party: formed in opposition to Jackson who opposed the national bank. Missouri Compromise: allowed Maine to enter as a free state and Missouri to enter as a slave state. Reform Movements: abolish slavery, women’s rights, prison reform, rehabilitation of prisoners and temperance movement Temperance movement: movement to stop the drinking of alcohol.
Essay Questions What impact did Jackson have on the presidency, positive or negative? The American System was designed to bring the United States together. Do you think it was successful who or why not? Explain what led to sectional tensions in the United States.