Central Line Bloodstream Infection Reduction CHI Health Lakeside Omaha, Nebraska
Process of Identifying Need A dramatic increase in CLABSI's was evident Where was the problem? Audits performed CLABSI Taskforce formed Literature reviewed Point prevalence studies conducted
Process Improvement Methods Staff RN's (Clinical Practice Coordinator, 3 Nursing Supervisors, Infection Prevention specialist, Operations Director, Emergency Department educator) formed CLABSI taskforce Employed 'Safety First' expectations of Having a questioning attitude Paying attention to detail Stopping and Resolving Audits performed every shift, became very detail oriented 2 RN central line visualization upon patient arrival/transfer to unit Education and communication with Radiology and ER to ensure patients received same message
Process Improvements Cont.. Educational pamphlet developed for patients explaining CLABSI and when to access central lines. Changed process of central line use to 'asking to access'. Educated staff via mandatory skills day. Staff was required to return demonstrate proper technique Implemented 'phone buddies' Changed verbiage of CHG bathing to 'treatments', mandated RN's to perform this task to reinforce 'treatment' Partnered with lab to use peripheral blood draws Met with Hospital Administration and Infection Prevention Specialists to confirm plans Algorithm developed to assist staff in deciding when to use a central line/access a port Streamlined audit process
Results Patients and staff embraced the changes Hospital wide Lakeside has gone over 90 days without a CLABSI, and over 200 days without a CAUTI. Oncology is below the NDNQI national CLABSI mean for the first time in 2 years
Lessons Learned Staff buy in is essential Explain the 'why' to staff and patients Education is the key to prevention Vigilance is necessary