Pre French and Indian War


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Presentation transcript:

Pre French and Indian War Stepping Stones to War Pre French and Indian War

British- French Rivalry As the pop increased Britain wants to expand British see more opportunity in the Ohio River Valley BUT French already claim it!! Ohio River Valley- VERY important due to FUR TRADE with Native Americans Britain and France = powerhouse countries in 1700s (both competing for wealth) Why Fight? Resources and Land  1. trade 2. fishing grounds

Native Americans Take Sides Everyone wants Native Americans on their side! Why?  best trade term=help win control French had allies with Native Americans Interested in trade, not taking control of land More tolerant of Native American ways ** French marry Native American women, let them maintain own culture Native Americans decide to help French….. HOW? by raiding British settlements

What might this picture suggest?

Iroquois Nation Most powerful group in the East (NY) Remained Impartial by trading with both British and French “Play ‘em against each other” = domination around Great Lakes Increase in pressure as British keep pushing into Ohio Valley ( write up trading rights…. Side with Britain/allies)

American Colonist Want Ohio Valley…. Virginia governor (Robert Dinwiddie): sends a 21 yr old George Washington to Ohio Valley Washington’s Mission?  tell French their trespassing, they must leave French Say… “it was their absolute design to take possession of Ohio….and by God they would do it!”

British Won’t Take it! 1754: Dinwiddie appoints Washington Lt. Colonel…..sends BACK to Ohio with militia What is Militia?group of civilians trained to fight in emergencies SO….now we have George Washington plus 150 men Why back to Ohio? Need to build a fort (assert dominance)BUT….. French already have one there…..Fort Duquesne

Washington’s Revenge…. Washington builds Fort Necessity nearby An inexperienced Washington and his militia attack French scouting party…..but…. IT FAILS!! 1. French surround Washington 2. Colonist must surrender ***Washington is seen as a hero for 1st blow against French even though he was defeated

Albany Plan of Union June 1754- reps of colonies meet GOAL?  Find a way to work together and defend themselves from French Ben Franklin: comes up with Albany Plan of Union 1 general govt 1 single elected legislature would govern all colonies and would have power to collect taxes, increase troops, and regulate trade No one approves! No one wants to give up power!

“Everyone cries; a union is necessary, but when they come to the manner and form of the union, their weak noodles are perfectly distracted.”

War is Declared!! Fort Necessity marks the beginnings of a series of attacks…. French and Indian War is underway!