What is Absolutism? a monarchy that is not limited or restrained by laws or a constitution. a government determined solely by the ruler; also called despotic monarchy
Absolutism Absolute Monarchs – kings or queens who believed that all power within their state’s boundaries rested in their hands. Divine Right – God created the monarchy and that the monarch acted as God’s representative on earth. These ideas are not new to the 1600s but grew increasingly popular.
Divine Right
Causes of Absolutism Reformation – Papacy and church lose power. Emerging from the Middle Ages led to the decline of the Feudal system. Rise of cities and growth of national kingdom helped to centralize authority.
Crisis leads to Absolutism 17th Century – Religious and territorial conflicts led to continuous warfare. - State’s built large armies - Raised taxes Revolts because of taxes. - Monarch’s responded by increasing their power.
Monarch’s Goal Free themselves from any limitations that nobility and parliaments. - Most successful Louis XIV of France
Spain’s Empire and European Absolutism
Spain’s powerful empire Phillip II – son of Charles V Married to cousin Mary (daughter of Henry VIII) until her death Shy, serious, and a devout Catholic - Inherits Spain, Spanish Netherlands, American colonies.
Philip II’s Empire Portugal Succession crisis of 1580 - Sebastian I dies in 1578 without an heir. Philip seizes the Portuguese kingdom. - obtains strongholds in Africa, India, and the East Indies.
Sebastian I of Portugal dies in 1578 without an heir.
Spain seizes Portugal territory
Empire circled the globe 1600 – obtained gold from American mines - estimated 339, 000 pounds of gold Between 1550-1650: - 16,000 tons of silver Mankind video Wealth was able to hold a large standing army of 50,o00
Defender of Catholicism Religious wars = Reformation Philip II: - Defend against Muslims of the Ottoman empire. - Defend against the Protestants of Europe. 1571 – Pope called to arms against the Ottoman empire.
Defender of Catholicism 250 Spanish ships defeated a large Ottoman fleet near Lepanto. Battle of Lepanto 1588 – Spanish Armada attempted to punish England but was defeated. By who??? Elizabeth I
The Family Dynamics Phillip II (Charles V son) and Mary I (Catherine's daughter) Elizabeth and Phillip go to war Protestantism vs. Catholicism
Issues in the Spanish Empire Inflation and taxes: - People’s demand for product went up - flood of silver dropped the value Expulsion of Muslims and Jews: - Lost many artisans and business people - Tax burden fell on lower classes
Issues in the Spanish Empire Spain bought much of what they needed from France, England, and the Netherlands. - All enemies of Spain Finance wars from borrowing - Italian and German bankers Philip had to declare State bankruptcy three times.
Miguel de Cervantes Wrote “Don Quixote de la Mancha” in 1605. A Nobleman goes a little crazy and mistakes windmills for dragons and hunts them in a suit of armor. Considered the birth of modern European novels (considered part of the Enlightenment era)
The Dutch Revolt Philip raised taxes to smash protestants in the Netherlands. 1566 – angry protestants swept through Catholic churches. 1568 – 1,500 protestants and suspects were executed. William of Orange – wanted to free Netherlands from Spanish rule. Motives: Political not religious
William of Orange
The Dutch Revolt William lost battle after battle. 1574- city of Leiden was under siege. - Dutch opened flood gates on Spanish. 1579 – 7 northern provinces of the Netherlands were largely protestant – United Provinces of the Netherlands 10 southern provinces remained under Spanish rule. (modern day Belgium)