Our Regular Schedule is: Good morning, Swope Panthers!!! Hi, I’m _____and I`m_______ Welcome to Panther Morning News Today is Wednesday November 15th, 2017 Our Regular Schedule is: 2,3,4,5,6
Now for a moment of silence. (Pause for the Pledge)
Attention all students: We have noticed that some students are altering their Swope polos or team shirts. If you are wearing an altered polo or team t-shirt you will be asked to change into appropriate uniform attire.
Attention Students: Are you ready for another Swope Spirit Dress Up day! Next Tuesday is your opportunity for you and a friend to dress as twins! That is right Tuesday will be Twin day so find a friend and dress alike
Attention GATE Magnet Students: if you have an elective during your 6th period today you should please report to N-11 instead for GATE-mandated testing.
Attention all Swope Athletes. The office will no longer announce the departure of teams. It is your responsibility to know that you must leave your class at 1:15 for away games
Attention 8th graders. As a reminder, if you are planning on applying for a signature academy, the applications are now available on the Washoe County School District website. You have until January 1st to submit your applications.
Attention 8th graders interested in Red House at Reno High School: Reno High School Red House Project Open House is Tuesday, Dec. 5th from 5:30pm - 7pm Please join us and hear all about our tracks and classes, meet our instructors, see our facility and interact with our current Red House Project students.
This Week at Swope: Today: Team T-Shirt Day & Early Release Tomorrow: Boys Basketball 7th @ Mendive 8th @ home B teams first games start at 2:45 Math Counts room N-11 afterschool Medieval Club during lunch room N-4 After school Tutoring in the Library
Have a great day and let’s all be PANTHERS on the PROWL!