Poster title in 82pt Arial Bold (60pt minimum), 24pt space after Name 1, Name 2, etc. in Arial 40pt Office, Address line 1, Address line 2, Town/city, Postcode in Arial 40pt Introduction Section 1 Section 3 Discussion Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Layout: This 4-column layout can be adapted to combine columns if required. To aid text legibility, use no more characters per line than you would use on an A4 portrait format page. Text spanning more than one column may be difficult to follow. Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Colours: The section headings on this template demonstrate the range of standard ‘spot colours’ available from the MRC colour palette. Colours can be used singly or in combination, both for text and for solid backgrounds. Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Other spot colours from the MRC palette (not to be used for text): Pantone 382 R:181 G:211 B:52 Pantone 116 R:255 G:219 B:0 Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Section 4 Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects. Section 2 Captions: Arial 24pt italic minimum Acknowledgements Body text: Arial 32pt minimum. Avoid drop shadows, outlines and other text effects.