Taj Mahal – mausoleum in India
Ganesh - Hindu god of Success
An Indian Shrine
Hindu caste system
Indian Bride and Groom
Architectural Art, India
Prayer tree – wives pray for their husband’s prosperity
Terraced farming along Western Ghats
Grocery store in India
Karachi, Pakistan
Indian Wet Monsoon Season
Dry Season in India
Indian Cobra
Indus Valley Civilization
Dutch Colonialism in the 1500’s
British East India Company
British colonist – late 1700’s
Mohandas Ghandi – led India toward independence
Slum of Bombay, India
Slums of New Delhi, India’s capital
Squatter camp in India
Before Partition, 1947
Mohammad Jinnah – led movement for separate Muslim Mohammad Jinnah – led movement for separate Muslim states after independence from Britain
Before and After Partition
Pakistan/Indian Border
Pakistan/Afghanistan Border
Cashmere or Kashmir?
Pyjama Pants and Saris
Khyber Pass along Pak./Afg. border
U.S. patrolling Hindu Kush region along Pak./Afg. border
Benazir Bhutto – elected Prime Minister in 2008
Bhutto Assassinated before taking office
Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
Companies with Technology jobs in India
Mt. Everest, Nepal
Buddhist monastery in Tibet Namgyal Monastery, Tibet
Tiger Nest Monastery, Bhutan
Ancient Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan Dance Ensemble
2005 Tsunami