MEMS 설계제작 Project Method of Wafer patterning
Location Nanofab center – TE218
Making mask
Coat PR(negative) Spin Coater
Soft bake Hot plate Hot plate Wafer Improve resist adhesion to the substrate. Prevent bubbling during subsequent thermal processes. Hot plate Wafer Hot plate
Expose Mask aligner
Post expose bake Hot plate Hot plate Wafer Decrease standing wave effect. Hot plate Wafer Hot plate
Develop Developer
Rinse and dry Following development, the substrate should be rinsed briefly with isopropyl alcohol (IPA), then dried with a gentle stream of air or nitrogen. Hard bake SU-8 has good mechanical properties, therefore hard bakes are normally not required. For applications where the imaged resist is to be left as part of the final device, the resist may be ramp/step hard baked between 150-200°C on a hot plate or in a convection oven to further cross link the material. Improve roughness of PR.
5월 23일 (최대 2조) 13:00~ 13:30 13:30~ 14:00 14:00~ 14:30 14:30~ 15:00 15:00~ 15:30 15:30~ 16:00 16:00~ 16:30