Junior Doctor’s Forum 4th December 2017
Exception reporting trend August - November
Exception reporting reasons
Exception report outcomes Aug – Nov 2017
Exception Reports by department August – November 2017
Palliative Care
Fines Update
Fines by department – Cost code 648040 Value of fines levied Paediatric Cardiology £321.7 Nephrology £436.31 Oncology £27.69 Total £785.70 Fines (cumulative) Balance at end of last quarter Fines this quarter Spend this quarter Balance at end of this quarter £197.69 £785.70 £0.00 £983.39
Changes from Reporting Renal Additional resources Shift timing changes GUM Shift timings changed Split shifts stopped Urology Shifts removed/reduced: match work schedule Rota stability Oncology Additional resources Substantive post funded Changed working patterns Vascular New compliant rotas Bank shifts increased 2 Additional posts funded PICU Shift times match handovers ED FPP to all eligible trainees
Changes to exception reporting Initial login details now valid for longer If supervisor unknown by induction day: Faculty educational lead nominated Allow all trainees to be on system on day 1 Trainees inform GOS of ES/named CS System change so ES/CS manages reports
Medical HR drop in sessions Open to Trainees and Trust Grades Monday 27th November (after Friday payday) Simultaneously on both sites at lunchtime Aimed to resolve any junior doctors queries 12 attendees in total Resolved most on the day and followed up with doctors where action needed to be taken Developing FAQs based on common queries Next sessions: 12th December at ECH 3rd Floor (1200-1400) 15th December at Guys Atrium 1 (1200-1400)
Let us know what you think! Junior doctors experience survey Over 100 returns so far Working groups formed for key themes Induction Rotas Culture IT https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/726SQFC