Liceo Scientifico Statale Erice – December, 06-08, 2017 ADM: Automatic Data Miner: a customizable tool for selecting, merging and analysis of the EEE trending data sets Liceo Scientifico Statale Piero Gobetti - Torino Lorenzo Sibille – Lorenzo Mathis
Data from the over 56 telescopes all over Italy are sent to CNAF-INFN, in Bologna, to allow track reconstruction so that all relevant information can be stored in a database to be later available for analysis.
Data for schools are available in csv format at
Choose the telescope Select the day(s) And download data in csv format
Problems: daily DQM report contains redundant data; you have to erase superimposing periods Data overlapping: Data loss: sometimes data are lost due to telescope malfunction or telescope switched off Result: time waste in choosing another data period and long data formatting time
Solution: Automatic Data Miner - choose telescope and data period concatenates many csv data file from chosen telescope and period - erase superimposing periods - make data consistency check (data loss) output in csv, MySQL, HTML or Excel™ format
Automatic Data Miner Web Interface
Automatic Data Miner a) Creates a /tmp/usr_x directory Web Server (PHP reads query) HTML5 + CSS3 + JS(JQuery) AJAX Post() Python a) new_user b) downloader c) data_unit d) data_check a) Creates a /tmp/usr_x directory CNAF-INFN csv database b) Downloads and concatenates .csv files c) Deletes superimposing records d) For each record checks if timestamp(n+1)-timestamp(n) > MAX_DATA_LOSS
Automatic Data Miner Lost data: 86 min Lost data: 73 min Lost data: 73 min
Further implementations FATA: Forbush Automated Tool for Analysis Forbush decrease (07-16-2017) We’ll publish ADM on our website and we’ll make ADM available to CNAF-INFN EEE Monitor web site FATA will be developed also looking at future Centro Fermi - EEE (TO group) collaboration with INAF-OATO (Osservatorio Astronomico di Torino) Space Weather project
Dr. Ivan Gnesi - Centro Fermi Dr. Fabrizio Coccetti - Centro Fermi Many thanks to: Dr. Ivan Gnesi - Centro Fermi Dr. Fabrizio Coccetti - Centro Fermi Dr. Alessandro Bemporad – OATO And many thanks to everybody at Centro Fermi!! Questions and info: Fulvio Poglio,