Office of Coast Survey The Nation’s Nautical Chartmaker Rear Admiral Gerd Glang Presentation to NAVSAC May 2016
Printing large batches of nautical charts ~2003
New editions have several years of critical changes Chart 12373
Legacy charting system Vector Data Raster Data Source Data RNC RNC New Editions Bentley Software ENC ENC New Editions Critical Data Weekly Updates BSB / POD RNC Critical Data ENC Weekly Updates
Moving to a central database Vector data Raster data Notice To Mariners Source Data Navigation Information System Product databases Published products Weekly updates RNC Paper ENC We are switching over to a single production system As charting matured over the decades, different systems were developed to produce different products. We are moving into a single Navigation Information System (NIS), which will synchronize information and improve consistency.
Print-on-demand paper charts
Raster charts
Electronic navigational charts
Evolving into the next generation of navigation Paper chart use diminishing in the next 10 years Digital charts provide situational awareness Digital charts require international standard Regulations should support interoperability of charts and data streams
NOAA needs more and better charting data from federal partners Observations… NOAA supports NVIC 01-16 We look forward to forthcoming clarifications NOAA appreciates USCG agreement that digital U.S. Coast Pilot meets carriage requirements NOAA needs more and better charting data from federal partners NOAA looks forward to continuing conversation as we move our charting update paradigm from “new editions” to “frequent downloads.”
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