THE NEW FOUNDERS ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Rewarding balanced, sustainable businesses 2 | FAA Program Change Overview
Since our founding in 1959, Amway has been committed to enabling success for ABOs. The Founders Fundamentals stand for what Rich & Jay believed owning a business offered: The change to the FAA program is driven by reaffirming these fundamentals by better rewarding ABOs for creating balanced, sustainable businesses. HOPE REWARD FREEDOM FAMILY 3 | FAA Program Change Overview
FAA & The Core Plan Strengthening the connection between This fundamental shift in FAA is taking place as a part of a global change to better align with the Core Plan. Amway is preserving full investment in the new FAA program, and with this change, bonus payments will be redeployed to leaders with the strongest and most balanced structures. 4 | FAA Program Change Overview
The new program was designed with SIX KEY PRINCIPLES in mind: 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALIGN WITH CORE PLAN: Compensation is tied to Core Plan income and will complement the plan, not BE the plan REWARD LEADERS FOR ALL BUSINESS BUILDING EFFORTS: Width and depth, enforce balance REWARD ACTIVE & DIRECT MARKET INVOLVEMENT: Reward continued market presence NO INTERNATIONAL BORDERS: Multiple businesses have same earning potential PROMOTE BUILDING SOLID FOUNDERS PLATINUM LEGS: Developing leaders, not just volume ENCOURAGE SUSTAINABLE QUALIFICATIONS 5 | FAA Program Change Overview
NEW FAA BONUS PROGRAM AT A GLANCE Average Monthly Core Plan Bonus Multiplier (based on width and depth) Bonus Payment PERFORMANCE RUBY DEPTH LEADERSHIP Min F Plat Legs Points Multiplier Percentage 12 150 750% 10 125 700% 105 650% 90 600% 8 75 500% 60 450% 45 400% 4 35 300% 27 250% 20 200% + Super Legs Monthly Core Plan Bonus Multiplier Table 6 | FAA Program Change Overview Note: All elements of program design are subject to change.
HOW TO QUALIFY HOW TO QUALIFY Entry point is: Qualifying for FAA is an exciting milestone for any ABO. ABOs are required to meet three requirements to enter into the new FAA program. Entry point is: DBR* 4x in-market Founders Platinum legs 20 points *DBR = Diamond Bonus Recipient 7 | FAA Program Change Overview Note: All elements of program design are subject to change.
Rewarding Leadership Development Super Legs Rewarding Leadership Development “A leader is someone who demonstrates what’s possible.”- Mark Yarnell Number of SLs Super Legs Bonus ($USD) We value your leadership An exciting part of the new FAA bonus program is the inclusion of the Super Legs bonus. This bonus rewards ABOs who earn the highest multiplier (750%) and have two or more legs at 30 points or higher with a new payment, designed to reward truly exceptional leaders who inspire others to greatness. Unlimited potential Unlimited Potential . The amount of Super Legs you can earn is not capped, representing a significant payment for you for maintaining existing and developing more Super Legs. Additionally, these bonuses are not paid just once, but annually for each and every year that you qualify. Super Legs 2-5 are worth US$20,000 for EACH LEG A Super Leg is a Founders Platinum leg with 30+ points. Super Legs 6+ are worth US$40,000 for EACH LEG 8 | FAA Program Change Overview Note: All elements of program design are subject to change.
INCOME POTENTIAL 4 * $20,000 $50,000 750% $455,000 The nature of the new FAA Bonus Program offers a tremendous opportunity to grow income through the Core Plan. EXAMPLE ABO | 150+ POINTS; 4 SUPER LEGS 4 * $20,000 $50,000 750% $455,000 PAID EACH & EVERY YEAR THAT YOU QUALIFY MONTHLY CORE PLAN INCOME MULTIPLIER SUPER LEG BONUS TOTAL PAYMENT 9 | FAA Program Change Overview Note: All elements of program design are subject to change.
NEW FAA BENEFITS Get rewarded for all business building activities No international borders Encourages sustainable business building Unlimited earning potential 10 | FAA Program Change Overview
COMMITTED TO A SMOOTH TRANSITION 1 2 3 THREE YEAR TRANSITION PLAN To ensure ABOs have ample opportunity to make necessary changes to their business structures, Amway has provided a three year transition plan, representing a significant commitment (and over-investment in the program). During this time period, ABOs will receive the better of either program (new vs. original) for bonus payment. 11 | FAA Program Change Overview
SUPPORT AT EVERY STEP SUPPORT AND EDUCATION Amway is committed to providing support and education to ensure that ABOs are able to set clear goals and motivate their downlines. ABOs should contact their local Amway Sales team or Account Manager for additional support. 12 | FAA Program Change Overview