Dove peace preschool Think. Feel.Christ.
Mission Statement: To strengthen and form lifetime relationships between children and Jesus Christ Vision Statement:To allow children to discover how they are all unique learners by letting them explore how they learn best, and teaching them to see Jesus as the ultimate role model and teacher.
Program Description Dove Peace is a small non-profit preschool that has a mission of establishing strong Christian values in young children. We deliberately keep our class sizes small in order to ensure that every child that joins our program is able to be recognized and taught as an individual. At this preschool your children learn through exploring and interacting with specialized materials designed to appeal to their senses. Our ultimate vision is to prepare every child to succeed not just academically but also in their focus on moral values.
Goals: Create individual learning styles and relationships with God Program curriculum Type of curriculum: Montessori/ Constructivist - Hands on and interactive lessons- children construct their own knowledge- Sensory materials Teachers Role: Teachers are primarily observers but are also facilitators Goals: Create individual learning styles and relationships with God
Ages Served: 3-6year-olds Times: 9:00a.m-12:00p.m. Program Fact Sheet Ages Served: 3-6year-olds Times: 9:00a.m-12:00p.m. Class Sizes: 2 classes of 15 children Tuition: $375.00 per month for preschoolers and $400.00 per month for kindergarteners Discounts: Possible scholarships through the church Fees: Material Fee - $210 per year
A Typical Day Welcome Time - Students arrive- greeted by their teachers- take care of belongings and get settled into class routine for the day. Indoor Free Play - students begin the day by choosing their own activities. They work independently or in groups. Only certain materials will be accessible during morning free play. Outside Time – This part of the day follows components of the Montessori Curriculum. The children explore their outdoor environments where they play, and are guided as to how to incorporate elements of nature into daily learning. Teachers would also watch interactions between children. Snack Time- Children eat snack (which is brought from home). As part of the schools philosophy, children would be required to pray before they eat. Art/Music – This period of the day would be rotated between art and music activities; focus on sensory learning, but core subjects such as math and science would also be included. On music days, children and teachers would sing some songs of worship in addition to traditional nursery rhymes. Story Time – No specific “theme” for classes at this preschool, books would have to promote general learning. We would read a children’s version of the Bible, but many other common children’s books would also focus on developing Christian values. Departure- Teachers prepare children to go home and parents will pick children up in their classrooms.