AKAM Development Professionalising Key Account Management
Building the community Gaining individual members as well as corporates Affordable membership for individuals: now €150pa for all Corporate membership attracting more interest Relaunched website with more intuitive access Building website resources Schedule for first Diplomas to be awarded by end 2017
Holding meetings across Europe Opportunity to learn, challenge, share knowledge and experience, and network So far meetings held in Bordeaux, London, Paris, Oslo, Dublin, Lugano Annual conference at DIT in Dublin, 2nd November, range of KAM topics 2018 calendar tbc: open to invitations from hosting organisations (views on Vilnius/Ryga?)
Focus on building member resources Understanding KAM: papers and articles Customer intelligence interpretation and insight. Breeding the key account manager of tomorrow. Key customer profitability Overcoming internal conflict through KAM Managerial implications of KAM research. Recent KAM papers Recommended reading: KAM books
Downloadable diagnostics and tools Transitioning to KAM (1): transitioning curve and quick checklist Transitioning to KAM (2): detailed audit and action checklist Customer readiness for KAM: quick checklist Key account strategic plans: framework. Key account strategic plans: worksheets
More member resources Videos from practitioner experts on KAM Past workshops: presentations*** and outputs of discussions Member networking: organisation and email contacts Coming soon: case studies
Developing the AKAM Diploma Full details of process and competencies on website, open to all Making progress with first Diploma students, first ‘graduation’ by end 2017 Advanced Diploma specification by autumn 2017 Working with colleges to align course offering: more invited to participate Need to talk to professional Human Resource organisations about KAM qualification: help on access welcome