Disruptive Tech: 3-D Printing Ken Baldauf, Florida State University
The Plan 6. Why and how to get started! 5. Makerspaces, Fablabs, Innovation Centers 4. 3D Printing in Higher Ed 3. 3D Printing Applications 2. Industrial Printing 1. The ABC’s of XYZ’s
The ABC’s of XYZ’s https://vimeo.com/98141127
Industrial Printing https://vimeo.com/98141566
3D Printing Applications https://vimeo.com/98142286
3D Printing in Higher Ed www.stackinglayers.fsu.edu
3D Printing in Higher Ed 3D Printing inspires curiosity. Art Business Biology Chemistry Classics/Archeology Engineering Entrepreneurship Facilities Facility for Art Research Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Institute Interdisciplinary Computing Interior Design School of Information Law Learning Systems Institute Library Mag Lab Mastercraftsman Studio Medicine Molecular Biophysics Physics Scientific Computing Theatre 3D Printing inspires curiosity. Curiosity inspires learning.
2015 Cengage Learning Computing Conference
Makerspace With the rapid growth of technology, access to information and platforms for worldwide communication has become instantaneous and incredibly simple. It allows us to dream bigger and conceive of possibilities never previously imaginable. Where it begins to get tricky is having the actual tools and real world environment to transform ideas into physical creations. This is where Makerspace comes in. http://milwaukeemakerspace.org
http://www.fabfoundation.org/fab-labs/ Fablab Amsterdam Fab Lab is the educational outreach component of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms (CBA), an extension of its research into digital fabrication and computation. A Fab Lab is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention, providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship. A Fab Lab is also a platform for learning and innovation: a place to play, to create, to learn, to mentor, to invent. To be a Fab Lab means connecting to a global community of learners, educators, technologists, researchers, makers and innovators - a knowledge sharing network that spans 30 countries and 24 time zones. Because all Fab Labs share common tools and processes, the program is building a global network, a distributed laboratory for research and invention. http://www.uwstout.edu/discoverycenter/fablab.cfm http://fablab.uta.edu/ http://legacy.arts.ufl.edu/aafablab/ http://www.fabfoundation.org/fab-labs/ Fablab Amsterdam
Centers for Innovation… Carnegie Mellon: http://www.cmu.edu/cie Michigan State: http://innovation.msu.edu Santa Clara University: http://www.scu.edu/business/cie University of North Carolina: http://uncw.edu/cie UC Irvine: http://merage.uci.edu/researchandcenters/beall Seattle U: http://www.seattleu.edu/albers/programs/entrepreneurship George Mason U: http://business.gmu.edu/innovation Northwestern: http://fcei.northwestern.edu UI Chicago: http://innovationcenter.uic.edu/wordpress Carnegie Mellon University: Integrative Design, Arts and Technology Network (IDeATe)
ENGAGES STUDENTS 3D printing technologies promote: Innovation 21st Century Skills STEM, STEAM Workforce Development Entrepreneurship Cross-discipline collaboration Experiential Learning ENGAGES STUDENTS Georgia Tech Invention Studio
Getting Started Software Hardware Resources Design (create .stl file) tinkercad.com Sketchup Utility Slic3r (.stl > .gcode) Pronterface (controls printer) Hardware Lulzbot Mini ($1350) Makerbot Mini ($1375) PLA Filament Resources www.thingiverse.com kbaldauf@pic.fsu.edu
Ken Baldauf kbaldauf@fsu.edu www.techminded.co Thank You! Ken Baldauf kbaldauf@fsu.edu www.techminded.co www.linkedin.com/in/kenbaldauf www.facebook.com/kbaldauf