Blogging as a Response to Reading Sarah Scholl Professional Development January 25, 2011
This type of classroom is NOT for everyone! Stand and deliver, question and answer, teacher as expert
“I sometimes marvel at how young people who are immersed in complex digital worlds tolerate our insistence on reading and writing linear texts devoid of hyperlinked multimodal content and opportunities for social networking” (Alverman, 2008, p.14).
Instructional Need They deserve to be the expert on what they are reading. They want to be able to interact with each other as part of a classroom community and even as a part of a global community. The instructional need: students don’t like completing the reading log that is required. Common student complaint is that they do not get to talk to anyone about what they are reading and that is the best part of reading. Teacher complaint is that students are not responding with higher level thinking, they are doing enough to get by, not concerned about the grade.
Technology Being Used
What makes Blogging the appropriate medium? Provides students with an authentic audience that will interact with them! Automatically creates a digital portfolio for student work so that they can track their progress. Promotes higher level discussion of the literature that students are reading through commenting
Why Kidblog?
What exists currently Analysis What exists currently is not motivating to students and does not provide them with the opportunity to interact with their peers about what they are reading.
Goals Develop literacy and new literacies skills through reading, posting and commenting on a class blog Increase student motivation Have students take ownership of their work and interact positively with peers Analysis
Meeting the Needs of Diverse Learners Constructivism Multiple Intelligences Digital Divide Design Constructivism – students have the opportunity for a world wide audience, their work is more relevant and that is a motivating factor for students. They are also developing their knowledge through their interactions with their peers in an independent setting where they are responsible for their responses and comments. Multiple intelligences – Howard Gardner Linguistic – written responses Interpersonal – discussion Digital Divide – option not to use this format, can use the library before school, use the public library, have a week to complete the assignment so hopefully can find time to actually complete it if they want to UDL – can be used with Kurzweil, easy to navigate, allows students to type and save a draft to make changes, typing helps with motor skills and poor handwriting How should content be organized? How should ideas be presented to learners? What delivery format should be used? What types of activities and exercises will best help learners? How should the course measure learners' accomplishments?
Parent Letter Development
Blogging Terms and Conditions
Introduce Model Practice Complete Assignment Formative Assessment Implementation Introduce Model Practice Complete Assignment Formative Assessment
Student Work
Evaluation Learner Evaluation Formative Summative Weekly feed back on postings from peers and teachers Digital Portfolio Reflection on reading habits Formative Weekly review of student responses to guide higher level thinking and responding Summative Monthly reflection End of the year reflection Evaluation
Blogging Motivation Higher Level Thinking Interaction Reflection In Summary Blogging Motivation Higher Level Thinking Interaction Reflection