50% 25% POWER POINT PRESENTATION 03 02 CONTENTS 01 01 CONTENTS 02 PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points 01 CONTENTS 02 PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points CONTENTS 03 PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points
S O T W SWOT Analysis Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points S 강점 W 약점 Weakness PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points Opportunity PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points Threat PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office. You can use a software program such as Microsoft Power Point to provide the audience with slides that contains your major points O 기회 T 위협
STP Strategy POWER POINT PRESENTATION 가격 품질 contents PowerPoint is a computer program created by Microsoft Office Microsoft Office PowerPoint is the presentation program used the most in the world. 품질