Active Training Awards 2017: Learning and Development Supplier of the Year This category is aimed at organisations that provide exceptional education and training that delivers a positive experience to their clients/customers and the very best results. 1. Overview Please provide an overview of your business and the education and training services you provide. This section is unmarked. Submission (up to 200 word maximum)
2. Approach Please explain the rationale and approach taken to developing the services outlined in section 1. Submission (up to 250 word maximum) Assessor to highlight score Areas for Improvement Overall Comments 1 Didn’t answer For assessor use only - 2 Partially answered 3 Includes sufficient detail 4 Solid examples /statistics 5 Outstanding levels of detail and context, the WOW factor
3. Implementation Please explain how you engage with your learners to develop and deliver the services outlined in sections 1 & 2. Submission (up to 250 word maximum) Assessor to highlight score Areas for Improvement Overall Comments 1 Didn’t answer For assessor use only - 2 Partially answered 3 Includes sufficient detail 4 Solid examples /statistics 5 Outstanding levels of detail and context, the WOW factor
4. Review Please explain how you measure performance and capture feedback to assess the impact and success of the services provided, as stated in sections 1, 2 & 3. Submission (up to 250 word maximum) Assessor to highlight score Areas for Improvement Overall Comments 1 Didn’t answer For assessor use only - 2 Partially answered 3 Includes sufficient detail 4 Solid examples /statistics 5 Outstanding levels of detail and context, the WOW factor
5. The WOW factor Tell us why you think you should win this award. What have been your outstanding achievements over the last 12 months? What sets you apart and adds value to make you Learning and Development Supplier of the Year? Demonstrate how you are achieving above & beyond. Submission (up to 250 word maximum) Assessor to highlight score Areas for Improvement Overall Comments 1 Didn’t answer For assessor use only - 2 Partially answered 3 Includes sufficient detail 4 Solid examples /statistics 5 Outstanding levels of detail and context, the WOW factor
Additional comments on Stage 1 For assessor use only - TOTAL STAGE 1 SCORE (xx/20) TOTAL STAGE 1 SCORE (%)
Thank you for completing your Stage 1 Submission for Learning and Development Supplier of the Year This should be submitted no later than 5pm on Wednesday 6th September 2017 Before submitting your entry: Please ensure you have completed the registration form and supplied us with payment details. If you wish to include any additional supporting information (this should not exceed 4 sheets) please upload, along with a high res copy of your company/organisation logo (no less than 300dpi). If you have any queries regarding your submission please email or call 0207 400 8600 to speak to the ukactive awards team.