DESK AID: Menu of Job Seeker Services for All WorkSource Centers Customer enters WorkSource Center requesting assistance Customer can also access the Menu when they enter WorkSource via phone, internet, or kiosk. Provide customer with Menu of Job Seeker Services Direct customers to the most appropriate service for helping them achieve their goals of employment, training, job retention, or increased earnings The Menu of Jobseeker Services includes but is not limited to: Available assessment tools Skill development services Labor market information Available short and longer term training opportunities in the region or online Job search and placement assistance Availability of resources to facilitate contact with potential employers such as computers, phones, and fax Community resources and supportive services Info on how to file for unemployment insurance The Menu should specify that access to some offerings and services are contingent upon funding availability and may have program eligibility requirements. The Menu allows customers to : Know the services available Know their skills Identify ways to improve their skills if needed Find employment based on skills Policy: SCWDC WS-06-02 Revised 06/21/2012
Our WorkSource Menu of Jobseeker Services 1. _____________________________________________________ 2. _____________________________________________________ 3. _____________________________________________________ 4. _____________________________________________________ 5. _____________________________________________________ 6. _____________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________________________________ 8. _____________________________________________________ 9. _____________________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________________ 11. ____________________________________________________ Each WorkSource Center is required to offer a minimum set of services for jobseekers. What services does your Center offer? Policy: SCWDC WS-06-02 Rev: 06/21/2012