Battle of Lexington and Concord Key Battles and Events of the American Revolution Battle of Lexington and Concord Battle of Trenton Battle of Saratoga Winter at Valley Forge Battle of Yorktown Under each flap, include the following information: Dates of each battle What side won the battle Any other countries that were involved in the battles and what side they fought with Summary of Battle/Important Facts
April 19th, 1775. British soldiers marched from Boston to Lexington to arrest John Hancock and Samuel Adams. and to take weapons stored in Concord. Lexington – 8 minute men were killed. Concord – British soldiers found no weapons. Referred to as the “Shot Heard Round the World” Dec. 25th, 1776: Patriot troops attacked Hessian troops – (mercenaries from Germany fighting with British) and Hessians surrenders. Gave American soldiers hope for the future of war. September 1777: Two battles that took place over 3 weeks. British army lost the battle Turning point of the war when America thought they might have a chance to win the war. Winter of 1777, Washington lead his troops here so that he could watch over the British army in Philadelphia. No money for supplies and food was running low. Marquis de Lafayette came from France to help the Continental Army and spent own money trying to cloth and feed soldiers. October 1781: British Headquarters were located in Yorktown, Virginia. French and American soldiers surrounded the British and they were under attack from both land and sea. Britain surrendered here on 10/19, 1781.