PPT 5.05.01-PROCEDURES TO INSTALL PAVERS PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers
PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers Procedures Select and correctly use appropriate tools. (See Objective 5.01.) PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers
PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers Procedures Determine finish elevation of surface. Use measuring tape to measure area for pavers. Drive stakes into soil at each corner of area to be paved. Measure same distance from soil surface and mark on each stake. Attach string at marks. PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers
PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers Procedures Use line level to determine amount of slope or how near to level strings are. Excavate 2”-3” on high end and enough on low end to make bottom relatively flat (level). Slope large areas 1” of fall for every 6’-8’ of linear surface away from building. PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers
PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers Procedures Set borders of project using a soldier course of brick, 2”X4” treated lumber, plastic edge material or steel with tops level. Add and compact fill material (soil or screenings) so that pavers will be even with borders. Select a pattern for pavers. PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers
PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers Procedures Set pavers directly on compacted surface maintaining desired pattern. Cut pavers as necessary to maintain pattern. Sweep additional screenings or sand into cracks after all pavers have been set in place. PPT 5.05.01-Installing Pavers