Seating Plan 10A/Hi2 MISS HUGHES Khalid S Anana Whitney Clayton Devids Chareem Zubair Rafi Khalid K Aifan Sadiya Issrar Jazz Nawal Tamas Kabir Adama Anna Tahmina Abdulkadir Monira Zak Elena
Front of Your Exercise Books Line 1: YOUR NAME Line 2: HISTORY Line 3: Miss Hughes
Can you figure out which is a lie about MISS HUGHES? I support Man United My brother played rugby for Wales I have never been to Paris
ESSENTIALS A pen Pencil Ruler Rubber and Sharpener Journal/Planner Exercise book
Expectations of exercise books Title and date for all work Written in pen (black or blue) NO GRAFFITI
Rewards Good letter home Special Treats Verbal praise Good phone call home House points
1st Warning 2nd Warning 10 Minute Detention 30 Minute Detention Phone Call Home
SO What is HISTORY??? What does history mean to you? What is your favourite event/person or part of history? Why do you think we study it?
Paper 1: Depth studies Development of dictatorship: Germany, 1918-45 Dictatorship and conflict in Russia, 1924-53 Answer two questions, one on each of the depth studies There are 50 marks available in total. The examination time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Paper 2: Historical investigation and breadth study in change Historical Investigation: The origins and course of the First World War. Breadth study of change: Changes in Medicine 1845-1945 Students answer two questions, one question on WWI and one question on changes in medicine. There are 50 marks available in total. The examination time is 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Autumn term Spring term Summer term Year 10 Year 11 Paper 2: Historical Source investigation- The origins and course of the First World War Paper 1:Depth Study: Development of dictatorship: Germany, 1918-45 Year 11 Paper 2: Breadth study of change: Changes in Medicine 1845-1945 Paper 1: Depth Study: Dictatorship and conflict in Russia, 1924-53 REVISION Paper 1 Paper 2
What do we know about WWI? Make a quick brainstorm in their books about what they might know, who was involved and what countries.
Why is WWI so important? Poisonous gas was used for the first time Tanks were used for the first time Changed methods of warfare Why is WWI so important? Amount of deaths Machine guns were used for the first time The war to end all wars Americas involvement
How many people died in WW1? 15 MILLION
167 full Wembley Stadiums
11,000 times the amount of students at Harlington
If you held a minutes silence for every soldier killed you would be silent for… 28 and a half YEARS
Tower of London WWI Memorial 2014
Real video footage
True or false RULES: True = put your hands on your head False = keep your hands by your side Hitler started the First World War = false The first world war was named ‘the war to end all wars’ = true 10 million people died =false Trenches were part of WW1 = true WW1 was fought between America and Germany = false Britain lost the first world war = false Miss Hughes tolerates phones in class = false Hitler was involved in the second world war = true It started in 1914 and ended in 1918 = true