USBPix Readout System using FE-I4/A chip Status Update: Finalization of Threshold Tuning and Minor updates Jimin Kim and Austin Piehl Department of Physics University of Washington
Table of Contents Established goals during last week General Procedure for Threshold Tuning with reasonable dispersion (<30e) and improvement Software Update and troubleshooting What’s next? Questions
Established Goals Last Week Establish the General Procedure for Tuning Threshold to desired value with reasonable dispersion (<30e) Optimize/Improve the final result by analyzing unhealthy pixels Move on to ToT Scan Major update on TeV Page Update Software from 3.3.0 to 4.4.10
General Procedure for Threshold Tuning Global Tuning DIGITAL_TEST Strobe signal repeatedly injected straight to the discriminator To check digital functionality/Data linkage and mask dead/unhealthy pixels ANALOG_TEST Strobe signal larger than threshold is injected repeatedly into the Analog cell To check Analog functionality/Data linkage THRESHOLD_SCAN VCAL/PulsarDAC injects repeatedly various charges into analog pixel cell To check threshold mean and dispersion GDAC _TUNE Changes global threshold parameter (Vthin_AltFine) and scans threshold for each step Gives optimal value for Vthin_AltFine for global threshold adjustment Repeat the GDAC_TUNE until there is no change in means
General Procedure for Threshold Tuning Pixel Tuning TDAC_FAST_TUNE Roughly tunes the TDAC value of each pixel prior to Fine tuning Binary search of TDAC register using different step sizes but skips the threshold scan Creates the TDAC Map to be loaded in config file for pixel TDAC_FINE_TUNE Finely tunes the TDAC value of each pixel for uniformity of pixel thresholds Binary search of TDAC register using different step sizes and also conducts threshold scan (<40mins) Repeat TDAC_TUNE until there is no change in means and dispersion Optimization NOISE_SCAN Runs at 10KHz trigger rate Identifies pixels with too high noise occupancy and creates masks
Digital and Analog Test Digital Test Analog Test
After GDAC_TUNE (Target 3100e) Threshold Scan Before GDAC_TUNE After GDAC_TUNE (Target 3100e)
Threshold Scan After TDAC_FAST_TUNE (Target Threshold of 3100e)
Threshold Scan After TDAC_FINE_TUNE (Target Threshold of 3100e)
Optimization/Improvement Analysis on bad pixels S-Curve of individual pixel TDAC Map vs Threshold Map Noise issue? Some pixels hitting the boundary? Solutions Mask certain rows and columns Column 0,78 and 79 and top rows Create mask for certain range (e.g: 3000e<x<3200e) Change the step sizes by changing TDACvbpf register
Pixel Analysis TDAC Map
Pixel Analysis S-Curve for pixels <3000e
Pixel Analysis S-Curve for Pixels 3100e S-Curve for pixel 3000e
Threshold Scan (Before Optimization)
Threshold Scan (After Optimization)
Threshold Scan (After Optimization) TDAC Map
Software Update Change log from 3.3.0 to New drivers that support both 32bit and 64 bit Fixed scan abort in case no enabled module is present in a group Iref pads controlled from USbPixController can be inverted by configuration setting Added BCID and LVID command histograms DCS devices Fixed issue of wrong index when adding DCS devices in rel . 4.0 New GPIB devices – added keithley 2700 and updated HP 34970A Default current limit for USBPix burn-in regulators is 1.0 A for a SC set-up and 1.5A for a DC Set up
SilabUSB Driver Issue Fail to recognize the FPGA Board! Cannot initialize the DCS objects and Controllers!
SilabUSB Driver Issue David Leon’s suggestion which is installing driver manually using NIF file doesn’t seem to work Manually installing the 32bit driver doesn’t work either
SilabUSB Driver Issue Solutions? Wait for David Leon to fix the Setup file Try to install the medium mode Try installing on other machines (64 bits)
What’s Next? Further optimization on threshold tuning with dispersion <30e Finalization of general tuning process including ToT Scan Run Noise Scan for masking certain pixels with high noise? Move on to additional scans such as Crosstalk, Monleak… Major update on TeV page Successful software update to
Questions for future Q/A