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Security of portable electronic devices and removable media UMHS Policy Developed by: U-MIC University of Michigan IRB Collaborative
Security of portable devices UMHS commitment to highest-quality care protecting patients’ sensitive information information whose unauthorized disclosure may have serious adverse effect on the University’s reputation, resources, services, or individuals. Information protected under federal or state regulations or due to proprietary, ethical, or privacy considerations will typically be classified as sensitive. Developed by: U-MIC
Security of portable devices UMHS Policy 01-04-502 Security of Portable Electronic Devices and Removable Media encryption of removable media/portable electronic devices used to store sensitive information transfer sensitive information access sensitive information policy revision (effective February 2017) If device cannot be encrypted and other secure storage solutions not practicable submit online Exception Request Form to UMHS Chief Information Security Officer UMHS Compliance Office Additional steps may be necessary. Developed by: U-MIC
Security of portable devices Share this information with colleagues. “Got a Device with Patient Health Information? It Must Be Encrypted!” (January 16, 2017) Information about the policy Compliance Office Technical information about devices/encryption options UMHS KnowledgeBase MSIS Service Desk Developed by: U-MIC
Thank you. UMHS Policy 01-04-502: Security of Portable Electronic Devices and Removable Media: Jeanne Strickland UMHS Chief Compliance Officer Jack Kufahl UMHS Chief Information Security Officer Developed by: U-MIC