A Possible Future Device
What is this all about ?
What is this all about ? The problem one faces while reading a digital book specially technical one like a course book.
What is this all about ? The problem one faces while reading a digital book specially technical one like a course book. You don’t want to download a book and read it on your laptop. Why? Because you do not get the feel that you get by reading a hardcopy of the book.
What is this all about ? The problem one faces while reading a digital book specially technical one like a course book. You don’t want to download a book and read it on your laptop. Why? Because you do not get the feel that you get by reading a hardcopy of the book. A hardcopy is expensive, and also the world is getting digital so that calls for a new digital book reader. But don’t we have “Kindle” for that! Let’s wait for the next slide.
The truth is KINDLE SUCKS. Why so?
The truth is KINDLE SUCKS. Why so? Those who have used Kindle would know.
The truth is KINDLE SUCKS. Why so? Those who have used Kindle would know. Rough scrolling, zooming. The screen flashes every time you turn a page or zoom, and no it is not smooth. You would not like to go 2 page backwards to read it again. But for technical books we have to, as we get the diagram here and its description two pages later.
The truth is KINDLE SUCKS. Why so? Those who have used Kindle would know. Rough scrolling, zooming. The screen flashes every time you turn a page or zoom it, and no it is not smooth. You would not like to go 2 page backwards to read a page again. But for technical books we have to, as we get the diagram now and its description two pages later. It is very small and you cannot make notes over it (I like to do it very much over a hardcopy).
The truth is KINDLE SUCKS. Why so? Those who have used Kindle would know. Rough scrolling, zooming. The screen flashes every time you turn a page or zoom it, and no it is not smooth. You would not like to go 2 page backwards to read a page again. But for technical books we have to, as we get the diagram now and its description two pages later. It is very small and you cannot make notes over it (I like to do it very much over a hardcopy). The kindle is very much suited for reading novels only. Otherwise hardcopy is only remaining option(available now) and we are not considering it. Also it does not support colors.
What is the Solution ?
What is the Solution ? We need to trace the solution from ancient time.
What is the Solution ? We need to trace the solution from ancient time. People used to write a book over leaves using ink.
What is the Solution ? We need to trace the solution from ancient time. People used to write a book over leaves using ink. As time progressed, we still have books written over papers. The same format as previous one.
What is the Solution ? We need to trace the solution from ancient time. People used to write a book over leaves using ink. As time progressed, we still have books written over papers. The same format as previous one. This implies that we cannot remove that idea. This is the only way to read and write books. A laptop or a Kindle would not solve that. We need to think of something similar.
Does Kindle have nothing good about it? No, I did not say that. Kindle does have some positive points: It has a long battery life. It is light weight It is very relaxing to eyes. We need to have these qualities in our proposed device too.
Not yet. Before I tell my proposal, we need to know what do the people want? http://www.tech2date.com/5- features-we-hope-to-see-in- future-e-book-readers.html
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader.
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader. Why call it “X-Reader”?
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader. Why call it “X-Reader”? Because I am an engineer and could not think of any other name so I considered it to be “x”.
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader. Why call it “X-Reader”? Because I am an engineer and could not think of any other name so I considered it to be “x”. Jokes aside we now come to the topic.
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader. Why call it “X-Reader”? Because I am an engineer and could not think of any other name so I considered it to be “x”. Jokes aside we now come to the topic. I propose a solution to all these problems in the next slide.
X-READER What I propose is simple. I propose a new type of ebook reader. Why call it “X-Reader”? Because I am an engineer and could not think of any other name so I considered it to be “x”. Jokes aside we now come to the topic. I propose a solution to all these problems in the next slide. One request: Please do not laugh at my drawings in next slide.
What is this? The idea stolen from Coil Bindings of books. This cylinder would help in rotation of pages and would have enough space to contain all technical stuffs. I will be tackling all the technical questions one by one. But it is certainly possible that I might to fail to do so for some questions. A flexible display!
What would this product achieve?
What would this product achieve? First of all it would be smooth, would have faster performance and better touchscreen capabilities.
What would this product achieve? First of all it would be smooth, would have faster performance and better touchscreen capabilities. It would have a charging slot that can also be used to transfer the books from a computer.
What would this product achieve? First of all it would be smooth, would have faster performance and better touchscreen capabilities. It would have a charging slot that can also be used to transfer the books from a computer. It can have a audio jack that can be useful to read audio books or to listen some music.
What would this product achieve? First of all it would be smooth, would have faster performance and better touchscreen capabilities. It would have a charging slot that can also be used to transfer the books from a computer. It can have a audio jack that can be useful to read audio books or to listen some music. It also uses native style of book binding, so it would be comfortable to use it and relaxing to eyes.
What would this product achieve? First of all it would be smooth, would have faster performance and better touchscreen capabilities. It would have a charging slot that can also be used to transfer the books from a computer. It can have a audio jack that can be useful to read audio books or to listen some music. It also uses native style of book binding, so it would be comfortable to use it and relaxing to eyes. It would have a touch pen to write on pages(or displays).
How would you achieve 1000 pages of a book with only 16 pages?
How would you achieve 1000 pages of a book with only 16 pages? Well we can use some tricks to do so.
How would you achieve 1000 pages of a book with only 16 pages? Well we can use some tricks to do so. Like when a user turns 5 pages at once we can increase page number by 20. For 6 pages by 50, for 8 pages we can increase it by half of remaining pages and so on. This way we would able to complete the absence of 1000 pages.
How would you achieve 1000 pages of a book with only 16 pages? Well we can use some tricks to do so. Like when a user turns 5 pages at once we can increase page number by 20. For 6 pages by 50, for 8 pages we can increase it by half of remaining pages and so on. This way we would able to complete the absence of 1000 pages. Remember when we turn many pages in a real book, we too are not sure that at what page we would land. Same thing is here.
How would you achieve 1000 pages of a book with only 16 pages? Well we can use some tricks to do so. Like when a user turns 5 pages at once we can increase page number by 20. For 6 pages by 50, for 8 pages we can increase it by half of remaining pages and so on. This way we would able to complete the absence of 1000 pages. Remember when we turn many pages in a real book, we too are not sure that at what page we would land. Same thing is here. Also it would have a option to scroll the pages of a book using a side scroll bar and all the displays would synchronize accordingly.
Isn’t it a tablet?
Isn’t it a tablet? No it is not.
Isn’t it a tablet? No it is not. A tablet has its mass distributed about all the screen while in this case it is centered at a cylinder.
Isn’t it a tablet? No it is not. A tablet has its mass distributed about all the screen while in this case it is centered at a cylinder. Use of flexible displays would help people being comfortable with it. They can put their weight on it (by that I mean one can keep their hands on it while writing something.)
Isn’t it a tablet? No it is not. A tablet has its mass distributed about all the screen while in this case it is centered at a cylinder. Use of flexible displays would help people being comfortable with it. They can put their weight on it (by that I mean one can keep their hands on it while writing something.) You would be able to read more than one book at a time by distributing the books across different displays. That would really ease making notes from various books.
Isn’t it a tablet? No it is not. A tablet has its mass distributed about all the screen while in this case it is centered at a cylinder. Use of flexible displays would help people being comfortable with it. They can put their weight on it (by that I mean one can keep their hands on it while writing something.) You would be able to read more than one book at a time by distributing the books across different displays. That would really ease making notes from various books. We can also add some functionalities of a tablet like a google search or simply a browser.
Some questions and their answers. Is flexible display possible and how efficient is it? You can know about flexible displays from this video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6nF-T58PA
Some questions and their answers. Is flexible display possible and how efficient is it? You can know about flexible displays from this video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6nF-T58PA Does this product have any limitations? Yes, it has some. First of all I am not sure about battery life. Though this product would not have two many background apps but still displaying so many pages can effect battery. Second, it might turn out to be expensive. Third, I don’t know if it is even possible to create something like this.
Some questions and their answers. Is flexible display possible and how efficient is it? You can know about flexible displays from this video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mo6nF-T58PA Does this product have any limitations? Yes, it has some. First of all I am not sure about battery life. Though this product would not have two many background apps but still displaying so many pages can effect battery. Second, it might turn out to be expensive. Third, I don’t know if it is even possible to create something like this. How would you put roses inside the book? Well you can gift a digital book to someone which would have some lovely animations hidden inside it.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. If someone Has better solution, feel free to tell.
THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME. If someone Has better solution, feel free to tell. Also anyone who would like to discuss it more is welcome.