Evaluation and the way forward Research communications
KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se Curriculum 2012 Introduction to popular science: theory and exercise Elevator pitch and critical reading Study visit to Forskning och Framsteg and Nobel Media training Target groups, message and channels Presentation Techniques Final presentation: pitching a real audience KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Participants’ feedback Very good-outstanding! Teachers (very good-outstanding) Exercise: elevator pitch, writing poems, nobel article, oneliner presentation… (very useful) Management and organisation (very good) Want more of: Funding proposals Longer course, more sessions KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se In what way is this the knowledge you gained on the course useful in your everyday work? “Adds more value to the importance of planning and preparation as well as assessing target groups. Above all, the knowledge gained in this course gives a basic understanding of how to communicate and actually deliver your ideas not only scientific but in general.” “When presenting, consciousness about some possible problems.” “When writing, more care about the readers.” KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Audience the final presentation 40 people, 14 respondants Master students Students electrical Engineering programme PhD students from EE, CSC, ICT KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
What did you think about the presentations - interesting/useful? KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Did the presentation meet your expectations? KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Would you recommend a colleague to come next year? KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
Something you would like more of? More power related projects More presentations Explain more about the event and the target Personal experiences, challanges in doing a PhD. How is it different? Some detail info should be provided More diversity in research More time for questions after presentation KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se Curriculum 2013 More focus on usefulness in everyday work! Personal presentation, research calls, policy makers etc Introduction to popular science: theory and exercise Target groups, message and channels Elevator pitch and media training Presentation Techniques Study visit to Forskning och Framsteg and Nobel Final presentation: pitching a real more diverse audience (students and industry) KTH School of Electrical Engineering • www.ee.kth.se
ACCESS Linnaeus Centre School of Electrical Engineering Thank you for your attention! www.access.kth.se www.ee.kth.se