Kart² Final Presentation ME 493 Spring 2016 Team: Atom Falcone, Austin Greene, Jesse Majoros, Nick Vanklompenberg, Jake Waterman, Jeff Williamson Faculty Advisor: Dr. Yi Sponsor: Dr. Turcic
Project Overview Currently Dr. Turcic uses this stand to transport and service his go-kart. It is cumbersome to lift the kart onto the stand requiring two people.
Mission Statement The objective of the Portland State University (PSU) Kart2 capstone team is to design a reliable single operator stand for kart racers that can raise/lower and transport the kart around any racing complex. The stand must attach to a standard trailer hitch receiver for safe & secure device transportation while the cart resides inside the transport vehicle.
PDS Summary Key Points Weight Stowability Single Operator Powered Reliability
Scissor lift Benefits: Large range Very Stable Drawbacks: Bulky Heavy Cost Complexity
Fork lift Benefits: Low clearance Stable Drawbacks: Clearance Cost Storability
Pivot lift (winch powered) Benefits: Economical Proven concept Storability Stable Drawbacks: Heavy
Design Selection
Cart Stand Operation Winch Concept Hooks attach to go-kart’s rear bumper Can lift cart from the ground or from a vehicle
Final Design
Winch Choice Superwinch LT2000 Reasons: Off the shelf Cost Design Needs
Pulley Attachment Raises pulley to achieve a more favorable lifting angle Required to achieve a factor of safety above 1.5
Hitch Attachment Kart² stand required to be stowable for transportation Swapped with pulley attachment when stowing Can be mounted on any 2” hitch receiver Latch holds frame in upright position Secured with clevis pins
Hitch Operation
Hitch Operation
Hitch Operation
FEA Analysis
FEA Analysis
References https://www.superwinch.com/products/superwinch-lt-series http://www.mcmaster.com https://www.etrailer.com/Accessories-and-Parts/Superwinch/SW2302293.html